

Non-profit S COMMITTEE "(UPS) AND PROVIDING SOCIAL increasing role of Rafah

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Abstract (2. Language): 
There are institutions other than state whose purpose is to provide social welfare. One of them is "non-profit organizations" which has been acting as an important welfare institution in compensating of welfare needs of society before the welfare state. Now, non-profit organizations have started to act in a similar way while globalizationand liberalization has become dominant thought and welfare state have lost their power in contemporary world. However, non-profit organizations are not an alternative to the state, instead, they are supplementary institutions. Since non-profit organizations are very appropriate to the rationale of economical and political philosophy of the last quarter of the twentieth century, which requires minimalization of the state, they are being supported by the state which was directed by liberal philosophy. Hence, they are increasingly developing in terms of quantity and quality.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Devletin di§inda, sosyal refah saglama amacina yonelik olarak faaliyet gosteren farkli kurumlar daha vardir. Bunlardan birisi olan "kar gutmeyen kurulu§lar" (KGK), nasil refah devleti oncesi donemde refah gereksinimlerinin kar§ilanmasinda onemli bir rol ustlenmi§se, kureselle§me ve liberalizmin hakim bir konuma geldigi ve refah devletinin gug kaybettigi gunumuz dunyasinda da gittikge artan oranda benzer faaliyetlerde bulunmaya ba§lami§tir. Ancak, kar gutmeyen kurulu§lar, devletin bir alternatifi olarak degil, onu tamamlayan bir kurum olarak gorulmektedir. Kar gutmeyen kurulu§lar, devletin kugultulmesini savunan son geyrek yuzyilin ekonomik ve politik felsefesine uygun bir kurum olmasi nedeniyle, bu felsefenin hakim oldugu devletler tarafindan desteklenmekte, nitelik ve nicelik itibariyle gittikge geli§mektedir.



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