

Poor Caliban PROPER CONTEXT i §

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Decent work is a broad approach to work, employment and social progress. There are four interconnected components of decent work: (i) employment, (ii) fundamental principles and rights at work, (iii) social protection, (vi) representation and social dialogue. The objective is not just the creation of employment, but the creation of employment of acceptable quality. Decent work is aproductive factor and also necessary element in improving competitiveness and productivity. The achievement of decent work has become one of the central priorities for national and international economic and social policy. Billions of people in the world live in appalling conditions. Poverty remains the most persistent and severe problem. Decent work is a strategy to reduce poverty. Poverty is multi-dimensional, as is the concept of decent work. Poverty is not merely income deprivation, also vulnerability arising from the absence of social protection, discrimination in labour markets, and the absence of empowerment.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Uygun i§ sosyal ilerlemeye, istihdama ve i§e ili§kin geni§ bir yakla§imdir. Uygun i§in birbiriyle baglantili dort bile§eni vardir: (i) istihdam, (ii) gali§maya ili§kin temel ilke ve haklar, (iii) sosyal koruma, (iv) temsil ve sosyal diyalog. Konu yalnizca istihdamin yaratilmasi degildir, kabul edilebilir nitelikler ta§iyan istihdamin yaratilmasidir. Uygun i§ bir uretkenlik faktorudur, ayni zamanda rekabet gucunun ve uretkenligin geli§tirilmesinde zorunlu bir unsurdur. Uygun i§ amacina ula§ilmasi ulusal ve uluslararasi ekonomik ve sosyal politika onceliklerden biri haline gelmektedir. Dunyada milyarlarca insan gok kotu ko§ullarda ya§amaktadir. Yoksulluk en acimasiz ve inatgi sorun olarak varligini surdurmektedir. Uygun i§ yoksullugu azaltma stratejisidir. Yoksulluk uygun i§ yakla§imi gibi gok boyutludur. Yoksulluk yalnizca gelir yoksunlugu degildir, ayni zamanda gugsuzlukten, sosyal korumanin yoklugundan ve i§gucu piyasasindaki ayrimciliktan kaynaklanan zayifliktir.



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