Journal Name:
- Sosyoloji Dergisi
Keywords (Original Language):
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Abstract (2. Language):
This essay problematizes Le Corbusier's 'universal' scale, baptized as
the Modulor, in context of the body and the city. Within this model, the human
body which is reduced to measures and to a masculinity that has become a norm,
is being utilized to constitute a visual power relation with the earth. The supposed
presence of mathematios within nature, makes the autocratic normativism a
model. Yet, one can beremin'ded that even universality is culturally conditioned.
In opposition to Modulor's, pythagorean assertions, the proportional systems in
architectural history do not constitute a linear convention. Symbolic numbers are
being utilized by the body closing apparatus. The aligning diagram produces gigantic generalizations. Static bodies, rather than bodies in relation or movement
arc the object;; of framing. Order of boxing is the framing law for the city. While
the question what Vliil happen to the un ideal bodies remains unanswered,
biopolities becomes apparent. While the search for a harmonized, pleasing,
naturalist city normalizes the masculine body, 'others' are being utilized. What
makes the Modulor an allegory of biopolities is that it proposes a modern
architectural utopia b,,!sed Oil a linear (or hierarchical) organization rather than a
body without organs.
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