
Zygmunt Bauman: Modernlik ve Postmodernlik Arsında Bir Sosyolog

ZygmundBauman: A Sociologist Between Modernism and Postmodernism

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Lately Zygmund Bauman has been one of the most important thinkers that contributed to sociological theory. He is regarded as one of the most important postmodern society theorists with his effective critique of modernism. He owes his popularity to his critique of modernism. His critique especially focuses on the theory that enlightenment based progressionist world view of modernism has reached a deadlock. In other words, he announces the falling of "Modernism Project" based on "instrumental reason culture". Postmodernist notion has been the most important intellectual background lately because modernism has broken its promise. Bauman has also directed his attention to postmodern perspective and the notion of "other". He has probably given his attention to postmodernism not only for his own background but also for his testimony to the present age. In this article, Bauman, who is one of the most important actors, his critique of modernism and his postmodern position is analyzed and his intellectual curiosity as a sociologist is followed.



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