
Nitel Araştırma Yönteminin Bir Veri Toplama Tekniği Olarak Derinlemesine Görüşme

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Qualitative method is an indispensable research method in sociology. It provides unrivaled comprehensive understanding of a given society studied. This paper aims to give a descriptive account of the most frequently used field technique of qualitative researches known as in-depth interview. Starting with a brief literature survey on in-depth interview detailed information is given in the paper about the way how it will be conducted.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Bu 9ah~mada. sosyal gergekligin anla~dmasma ve algllanmasma yonelik olarak yapdan 9ah~malarda nitel ara~tlrma yonteminin bir teknigi olarak kullamlan derinlemesine gorii~menin ne oldugu hakkmda literatiirde mevcut bilgiler verildikten sonra nasd yapddlgl ile i1gili a91klaYICl bilgiler sunulmaya 9ah~Ilacaktlr.



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JOHNSON John M., In-Depth InterviewiJlg. Handbook of Interview Research Context&Method,
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KAHN Robert L. The Dynamics of Interviewing, Robert E. Krieger Publishing Company,
Florida, 1983.
KUMBETOGLU Belkls, Sosyolojide ve Antropolojide Niteliksel Y5ntem ve Ara~ttrma, Baglam
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McCRACKEN Grant, The Long Interview, Sage Publications, London, 1988.
NEUMAN W.Lawrence. Social Research Methods, Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches, 5th
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PUNCH Keith F" Sosyal Ar~ttrmalara Giri~, Nicel ve Nitel Yakla~lmlar, (,ev. D. Bayrak,
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RAPLEY Tim, Interviews, Qualitative Research Practice, (Edited by Clive Seale, Giampietro
Gcbo, Jaber F. Gubrium, David Silverman), Sage Publications, Londan, 2004.
ROSSMAN Gretchen B., Sharon F. RALLIS, Learning in the Field. An Introduction to
Qualitative Reseach, Sage Publications, London, 2003.
RYEN Anne, Ethical Issues, Qualitative Research Practice, (Edited by Clive Seale, Giampietro
Gobo, Jaber F. Gubrium, David Silverman), Sage Publications, London, 2004.
SILVERMAN David, Interpreting Qualitative Data, Methods for Analysing, Talk, Text and
Interaction, Second Edition, Sage Publications, London, 2003.

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