What is Civilization? HistOl-y of The Meaning and Development of Civilization
Journal Name:
- Sosyoloji Dergisi
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Abstract (2. Language):
Human being can be considered as a two-storeyed structure. Vital cases
happen in the !irst storey; second storey is where socio-cullural behaviours
generating psychological and spiritual products appear. In reference to this, human
being has two names according to its double sides in some developed cultures'
languages -even though not in German-; in Latin this pair of concepls is Homo-I-Iumanus. -in Arabic Be~er-jnsan. Therefore human being is, as far as we know,
the only creature having this double feature. Other creatures, especially, like wolf,
dog. cal. monkey, elephant. horse, eagle, dolphin may have spiritual talk. What we
rnean by spiritual talk is an essential feature that presents itself independently
from innate behaviours.
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Abstract (Original Language):
Insan iki kath bir yap. ile karşılaşttrllabilir. ilk katta yaşamsal olaylm slirllp
gider. ikillcisinde, tinsel, ruhsal urUnleri olu~turan sosyal-kUIti.ll'cJ alana ait
davranl~lar belil'ir. Buna g51'c insan ikili yaplsmdan dolaYI bazi geli~mi~ kUltur
dillerindc -her nc kudar Almanca'da olmasa da-iki wrln adlandmhr. Latincc'dc
hl! kavnun ififti Homo-Humanus,' Arap~a'da ise Be~el'-insandlr. Bundan dolaYl
insan, biJdigimiz kadanyla dtinyada bu ikili Ozelligi ta~lyan biricik yarattktll',
Diger yaratlklar dn 5zclliklc kurt. kOpek, kcdi. maymun, flI. at. kartal, yunus gibi
hayvanlarda ruhsal baklmdan konu~ma bulunabilir. 13U1'ada ruhsal konu~ma He
kastettigimiz, kendini do~u~tan {1zclliklerden baglmslz ortaya koyan t>zsel bir
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