
Bir İmparatorluk Entelektüeli Olarak Ziya Gökalp

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Ziya Gokalp was the intellectual leader of the Turkism of the Constitutional Period, besides being the founding father of sociology in Turkey. In spite of all his Turkist orientation, Gokalp was able to develop a new point of vision about the evaluation of the heritage of Ottoman history and the relations with the Islamic world. This vision which seperated him from the radical and narrow Turkist perspective of his contemporaries was put forward in his book Tiirkle~mek, lslamla~mak, MuaslYla~mak. Gokalp has grown up in the cultural climate of the Ottoman Empire and his intellectual orientation has gained a shape in the circle of this civilization. He was also part of a political cadre whose members were trying to perpetuate some kind of empire politics. We can easily say that, these three factors come together, have determined the ideas put forward in his classical work.



A. Glin SOYSAL, Tatarlar Arasmda Tiir1a;iJliJk, Modern Tlirkiye'de Siyasi Dil1ilnce, c. I,
Cumhuriyete Devreden Di.i~Once Mirasl, Tanzimat ve Me~rutiyetin Birikimi, ileti~jm
yaymlart, istanbul, 2003, il'inde
Enver Behnan ~APOL YO, Ziya GOkalp, ittihat ve Terakki ve Me~rutiyet Tarihi, ibrahim Berkalp
Kitabevi, istanbul, 1943
Ziya GOKALP (Yayma HaZlflayan, Abdlilhaluk <;:ay), Makaleler VII, KiJl'iJk Mecmuadaki
Yazliar, Kliltlir Bakanhgl yaymlart, Ankara, 1982
Ziya GOKALP (Yayma Haztrlayan, ibrahim Kutluk), Tiirkle~mek, islamla~mak, Muas"la~mak,
Kliltlir Bakanhgl yaymlan, Ankara, 1976

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