
Serebellar vermis kavernomu

Cavernoma of cerebellar vermis

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Cavernomas are unusual type of intraparenchymal vascular malformations which have sinusoidal structure and being found in the central nervous system. Generally, cavernomas are located in cerebral hemispheres, brain stem and midbrain, but they occurs very rarely within cerebellum. In this case report, a cavernoma was presented, originataning from cerebeller vermis which was reported very few in the literature.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Kavernomlar, santral sinir sisteminin nadir görülen, sinüzoidal yapılı, intraparankimal vasküler malformasyonlarındandır (1-2). Genelde serebral hemisferler, beyin sapı ve orta beyin bölgelerinde lokalize kavernomların serebellum yerleşimi çok daha nadirdir (3-7). Bu olgu sunumunda, literatürde çok az sayıda rapor edilmiş olan serebellar vermis düzeyinden gelişen kavernoma ait bir olgu sunulmuştur.



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