
Brusellozis: 127 Olgunun değerlendirmesi

Brucellosis : Evaluation Of 127 Cases

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Abstract (2. Language): 
In this study, 127 patients diagnosed as brucellosis were evaluated about transmission routes, clinical, laboratory and therapeutic features. Ranging between 14-86 (mean:45.79) years, 72 (%56.96) of the patients were female, 55 (%43.30) were male. In 76 (%59.83) of the cases, infection was releated with stock raising and consuming unpasteurised milk and milk products. The most frequently complaints detected were fever (%50.39), arthralgy (%40.45), lack of appetite (%39.37) and sweating (%30.70). As physical examination findings, the most frequently abnormalities were detected as fever (%33.07), hepatomegaly (%19.60), arthritis (%14.17), splenomegaly (%11.81). Only in 3 cases meningitis and in one orchitis had developed as complication of brucellosis. In all cases the standart tube aglutination (STA) test titer was found > 11160 and in %4.72 of the cases Brucella spp. could be isolated. 93 patients received a combination therapy composed of doxycycline plus rifampin for 6 weeks and 30 cases used doxy-cycline plus streptomycin for 6 weeks. The patients who received doxycycline plus rifampin had a relaps rate of%5.3, whereas e the rate of the other group which received doxycycline plus streptomycin was found as %10. The difference between two groups was not statistically significant (p>0.05).
Abstract (Original Language): 
Bu çalışmada, bruselloz tanısı ile izlenen 127 olguda bulaş yolları, klinik, labo-ratuvar ve tedavi özellikleri değerlendirildi. Yaşları 14-86 (ort:45.79) arasında değişen olguların 72 (%56.69)' ı kadın, 55 (%43.30)' u erkek idi. Olguların 76 (%59.83)' sında bulaş yolu olarak hayvancılıkla uğraşma, çiğ süt ve süt ürünleri tüketimi saptandı. En sık rastlanan yakınmalar; ateş (%50.39), artralji (%46.45), halsizlik (%39.37) ve terleme (%30.70) olarak belirlendi. Fizik muayene bulgusu olarak en sık saptanan anormallikler sırasıyla ateş (%33.07), hepatomegali (%19.6), artrit (%14.17) ve splenome-gali (%11.81) idi. Sadece 3 olguda menenjit ve birinde orşit vardı. Olguların tamamında STA testi > 1/160 bulundu ve % 4.7T sinde Brucella spp. izole edildi. Tedavide 93 hastaya doksisiklin + rifampisin ve 30 olguya doksisiklin +•• streptomisin 6 hafta süreyle uygulandı. Doksisiklin + rifampisin uygulanan hastalarda relaps %5.3 ve doksisiklin + streptomisin uygulananlarda %3 olarak saptandı. Aralarındaki fark istatistiksel olarak anlamlı değildi.



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