

Journal Name:

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Abstract (2. Language): 
The issue of conversion and apostasy had emerged as a problem in the Ottoman Empire during the Tanzimat period and had taken a shape with the change in the political and social attitudes of the ruling elite. This short essay that focuses on the conversion of Selim Ağa from Salonica with his family aims to contribute to available literature on the conversion and apostasy problem in the Tanzimat period.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Din değiştirme konusu Tanzimat dönemi Osmanl. İmparatorluğu’nda bir mesele olarak ortaya ç.km.ş ve devletin sosyal ve siyasi duruşuna paralel şekilde değişiklik arz etmiştir. Bu k.sa çal.şmada Selanikli Selim Ağa’n.n ailesiyle irtidat. ve akabinde gelişen olaylar ele al.nmakta olup Tanzimat döneminde irtidat meselesi üzerine mevcut literatüre katk. sağlanmak amaçlanm.şt.r.



ABCFM (American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Mission),
series number: ABCFM 77 - Biographical collection.
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