
Yenidoğanlarda İdrar Yolu İnfeksiyonu

Urinary Tract Infections in the Newborn

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Abstract (2. Language): 
The diagnosis of urinary tract infection (UTI) is difficult in the newborn period since the signs and symptoms of UTI are nonspecific in this age group. Urinary tract infection in infancy may lead to renal scars and if it is underdiagnosed it may cause permanent renal damage causing hypertension or end stage renal disease. Ro¬ utine follow-up with repeated urine cultures and detailed urinary tract investigations after the first UTI in neonates is recommended in order to diagnose predisposing factors and early identification of recurrent UTI. Breast-feeding and routine screening of the babies in risk groups is important for the prevention and early diagnosis of UTI. Early diagnosis, proper treatment and long-term follow-up of babies experiencing UTI in the neonatal period is very important for favorable prognosis.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Çocukluk döneminde geçirilen idrar yolu infeksiyonlarınm (İYE) kalıcı renal hasara yol açarak uzun dönemde hipertansiyon ve renal fonksiyonlarda bozulma gibi ciddi morbiditeye neden olduğu bilinmektedir. Bu klinik tablonun yenidoğan bebeklerdeki tanı, tedavi ve izlemi çok önemlidir. Yenidoğan İYE'leri nadir olmayarak gözlenmektedir. Altta yatan üriner anomali ve kalıcı bölgesel lezyonların araştırılması için mutlaka pediyatrik nefrolojik değerlendirme yapılmalıdır. Anne sütü ile beslenme, riskli grupların izlenmesi İYE'lerin önlenmesi ve erken tanısına olanak sağlar. Erken tanı, hız¬ lı ve etkin antibiyotik tedavisi, seri takip ile yenidoğan döneminde İYE geçiren bebeklerde olumlu prognoz beklenebilir.



The diagnosis of urinary tract infection (UTI) is difficult in the
newborn period since the signs and symptoms of UTI are nonspecific
in this age group. Urinary tract infection in infancy may lead to
renal scars and if it is underdiagnosed it may cause permanent renal
damage causing hypertension or end stage renal disease. Ro¬
utine follow-up with repeated urine cultures and detailed urinary
tract investigations after the first UTI in neonates is recommended
in order to diagnose predisposing factors and early identification of
recurrent UTI. Breast-feeding and routine screening of the babies
in risk groups is important for the prevention and early diagnosis
of UTI. Early diagnosis, proper treatment and long-term follow-up
of babies experiencing UTI in the neonatal period is very important
for favorable prognosis.

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