
Boya Göre Düzeltilen Ekstrasellüler Su Oranı Periton Diyaliz Hastalarında Teknik Sağkalımı Öngörmektedir

The Extracellular Water Corrected for Height Predicts Technique Survival in Peritoneal Dialysis Patient

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Abstract (2. Language): 
OBJECTIVE: Most patients on peritoneal dialysis (PD) consume a normal Western diet that contains a large amount of salt. This causes increase in extracellular volume (“fl uid overload”) that has to be removed mostly with the dialysis fl uid, as residual renal function (if present) cannot cope with it. In the present study, we prospectively investigated whether an increased extracellular volume (corrected for height) predicted technique survival in PD patients. MATERIAL and METHODS: Ninety-fi ve prevalent PD patients from one center (mean age 50±13 years, 10 of them diabetic) were studied. Extracellular water (ECW), total body water (TBW), and intracellular water (ICW) were measured by multi-frequency bioimpedance analysis (m-BIA). Echocardiography was performed in all patients. Volume status was also evaluated by measuring left atrium diameter (LAD) and left ventricular end-diastolic diameter (LVEDD). Demographical, biochemical analyses, peritoneal equilibration test, weekly total Kt/V urea and weekly total creatinine clearance (CCr) results were obtained from patient chart. We identifi ed a cut-off value for ECW/height by drawing ROC curves that differentiate patients with FO and those without, using LAD and LVEDD measured by echocardiography as confi rmatory parameters. Technique survival (TS) was defi ned as the time on PD treatment until transfer to hemodialysis. Technique survival (TS) was assessed at the end of the follow-up and signifi cant predictors of technique survival were investigated. RESULTS: During the follow-up, 62 patients dropped out. Thirty-six patients were switched to hemodialysis (severe peritonitis in twelve, hernia in one, peritoneal leaks in fi ve, inadequate dialysis in seventeen and unwillingness in one patient), twelve patients received transplants, fi ve patients were transferred to other center and nine patients died (4 patients from infection, 4 patients from cardiovascular disease and 1 patient from malignancy). Patients switched to hemodialysis were older and had higher duration of PD treatment, body mass index, ECW/height and LAD than patients that stayed on PD. Patients that switched to HD also had signifi cantly lower weekly total KT/Vurea, weekly total CCr and daily total urine volume than patients that stayed on PD. On ROC analysis, we found a cut-off value for ECW/height of 10.5 liters/m with specifi city of 78 % and sensitivity of 75% for the diagnosis of FO. Patients with the ratio of ECW/height values above the cut-off values had signifi cantly worse technique survival than those with ECW/height below 10.5 L/m (mean survival, 28.7±2.6 vs. 35.1± 1.9 months; p=0.016). On multivariate analysis, weekly total CCr, serum CRP level and ECW/height above 10.5 L/m were independent predictors of technique failure. CONCLUSION: An increased extracellular volume corrected for height as a fl uid overload marker is associated with decreased technique survival in PD patients.
Abstract (Original Language): 
AMAÇ: Biz prospektif olarak, periton diyalizi(PD) hastalarında artmış ekstrasellüler suyun (boya göre düzeltilmiş) teknik sağkalımı öngörüp öngöremeyeceğini araştırdık. GEREÇ ve YÖNTEMLER: Çalışmaya halen PD’ine devam etmekte olan doksan beş hasta alındı. Ekstrasellüler su (ESS) miktarı çok frekanslı biyoimpedans cihazı ile ölçüldü.Volüm durumu ekokardiyografi ile ölçülen sol atriyum (SA) ve sol ventrikül endiyastolik (SVED) çap ölçümü ile değerlendirildi. Demografi k ve biyokimyasal analiz sonuçları hasta dosyalarından elde edildi. Sıvı yükü olan ve olmayan hastaları ESS/boy oranına göre ayırt etmek için ROC analizinde ekokardiyografi ile ölçülen SA ve SVED çapları doğrulayıcı parametre olarak kullanılarak ESS/boy için en iyi eşik değer saptandı. İzlem sonu teknik sağkalım değerlendirildi. BULGULAR: İzlemde 62 hasta PD’inden çıktı. Bunlardan 36 tanesi hemodiyalize geçti, 12 hasta böbrek nakli, 5 hasta başka merkeze gitti ve 9 hasta öldü. ROC analizinde sıvı yüklenmesi için ESS/boy eşik değerini 10.5 lt/m olarak bulduk. Eşik değerin üstünde ESS/boy oranına sahip olan hastaların teknik sağkalımı eşik değerin altında olan hastalara göre daha kötüydü (p=0.016). Çok değişkenli analizde, haftalık total kreatinin klirensi, serum CRP düzeyi ve eşik değerin üstündeki ESS/boy oranı teknik sağkalımın bağımsız öngörücüleri olarak bulundu. SONUÇ: Sıvı yüklenmesinin göstergesi olarak artmış ESS/boy oranı, PD hastalarında azalmış teknik sağkalım ile ilişkilidir.



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