Conversion from Calcineurin Inhibitors to mTOR Inhibitors in Renal
Transplantation: A Single Centre Experience
Journal Name:
- Türk Nefroloji, Diyaliz ve Transplantasyon Dergisi
Keywords (Original Language):
Abstract (2. Language):
OBJEC TIVE : Mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) inhibitors are among the immunosuppressive
drugs used in renal transplantation. The aim of this study was to reveal our experiences in conversion
from calcineurin inhibitors (CNI) to mTOR inhibitors in 20 renal transplant patients.
MATER IAL and ME THODS : Various protocols were used in the conversion from CNIs to mTOR
inhibitors. CNIs were discontinued and mTOR inhibitors were initiated in patients with malignancy. In
cases of CNI toxicity and in cases in which conversion was performed for other causes, reduced doses
of CNIs were administered for three days in combination with mTOR inhibitors.
RESUL TS: The study included 20 renal transplant patients, of whom 14 were male and 6 were female.
The mean age of the patients was 43.5±8.8 years. The reason for conversion was CNI toxicity in 16
patients (80%), malignancy in 3 patients (15%), and premalignant lesion in 1 patient (5%). Conversion
to mTOR inhibitors [(sirolimus (n=14) and everolimus (n=6)] was performed at 62.6±45.7 months after
transplantation. The mean follow-up period after administration of mTOR inhibitors was 50.5±29.9
months. The mean proteinuria at the time of conversion was 227.5±147.9 mgr/day and increased
to 636.5±388.2 mgr/day after treatment with mTOR inhibitors (p<0.001). There was an increase in
the creatinine levels after treatment with mTOR inhibitors, though it was not significant (p=0.126).
Everolimus was not discontinued in any patient, but sirolimus had to be discontinued in three patients
that was due to proteinuria in two patients and pneumonia in one patient.
CONCLUS ION: Conversion from CNIs to mTOR inhibitors may cause side-effects. When basal renal
functions are good and when proteinuria is mild, conversion may result in fewer side effects.
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Abstract (Original Language):
AMAÇ: mTOR inhibitörleri (mTOR i) renal transplantasyonda tercih edilen immünsupresiflerdendir.
Bu çalışmada, kalsinörin inhibitörleri (KNI) kesilerek mTOR i’nin başlandığı, 20 olgudan oluşan,
böbrek nakilli hastalardan elde ettiğimiz deneyimler sunulacaktır.
GERE Ç ve YÖNTEMLER : KNI’dan mTOR i’ye geçiş protokolünde farklı yöntemler uygulanmıştır.
Maligniteli hastalarda KNI birden kesilerek mTOR i’ye başlanırken KNI toksisitesi olan ve diğer
nedenlerle dönüşüm yapılan olgularda ise KNI dozu azaltılarak mTOR i ile birlikte 3 gün verilmiştir.
BUL GUL AR: Renal transplantlı 20 hastanın yaş ortalaması 43,5±8,8 yıl olup; 14 erkek 6 kadın hastadan
oluşuyordu. Geçiş nedenleri; maligniteler ( n=3, %15), KNI toksitesi (n=16, %80) ve premalign lezyon
(n=1 %5) idi. mTOR i’ye geçiş (14 hasta sirolimus, 6 hasta everolimus) transplantasyondan ortalama
62,6±45,7 ay sonra yapıldı. mTOR i sonrası ortalama takip süresi 50,5±29,9 aydır. Tedavi değişimi
sırasında proteinüri miktarı ortalama 227,5±147,9 mgr/gün iken, mTOR i tedavisi sonrası bu değer artarak
ortalama 636,5±338,2 mgr/gün oldu (p<0,001). mTOR i tedavisi ile kreatinin düzeylerinde artış olmasına
rağmen artış istatistiksel olarak anlamlı değildi (p=0,126). Sirolimus tedavisi 3 hastada kesilmek zorunda
kalındı. Nedenleri 2 hastada proteinüri, 1 hastada sirolimusa bağlı interstisyel pnömoni şeklindeydi.
SONU Ç: KNI tedavisinden mTOR i tedavisine konversiyonda yan etkiler görülebilmektedir.
Konversiyon yapılacak hasta seçiminde bazal renal fonksiyonların iyi olması ve proteinüri miktarının
az olması yan etki sıklığını azaltabilir.
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