Journal Name:
- Türk Nefroloji, Diyaliz ve Transplantasyon Dergisi
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Abstract (2. Language):
42 living related, 33 cadaveric; totaly 75 renal transplanted patients were studied in point of renal tubuler acidosis during their follow up period. 41 pa¬tients (% 54.66) who showed complet and incomplet renal tubuler acidosis classified as type-1, type-II and type-IV based on biochemical parameteres. The cases were groupped as the patients with acidosis, without acidosis and type-1, type-II, type-IV renal tubuler acidosis. Each of these group of patients serum creatinin levels, proteinuria, hypertension, rejection periods, serum Cyc. A levels, tissue compatibility, hyperparatyroidism, type of transplantation, trans¬plantation duration compared to each other istatis-ticly and no significant correlation were found bet¬ween them (p>0.05).
As it is written before patogenesis of renal tubuler acidosis following renal transplantation is multifac-torial. It is very difficult to find out only one respon¬sible reason. It can appear any time almost every af¬ter transplantation and most of the time without trea¬ting it can easily dissappear.
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Abstract (Original Language):
42'si canlı vericiden, 33ü kadavradan olmak üzere böbrek nakli yapılan toplam 75 olgu renal tubuler asidoz (RTA) yönünden incelendi. Komplet veya in-komplet asidoz saptanan 41 olgu (% 54.66) tip-I, tipli ve tip-IV RTA yönünden irdelendi. Asidozu olan ol¬gularla proteinüri, hipertansiyon, red sayısı, cyclos-porin-A (CycA) düzeyleri, doku uyumu, hiperparati-roidi, transplantasyon cinsi ve yaşı arasındaki ilişki araştırıldı ve istatistiki olarak anlamlı bir ilişki saptanmadı (p>0.05). Transplantasyon sonrası RTA'un tek bir patogenezden ziyade multifaktöriyel olabilece¬ği ve hemen her transplantasyon sonunda bir dönem ortaya çıktığı sonucuna varıldı.
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