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The purpose of this study was to define the effects of experiences that have been acquired at the Teacher Experience Course and skills acquired at the Blended Learning Environment on attitudes of preservice technologies teachers toward teaching profession. In the study, a pretest-posttest quasi-experimental design was used. The study group is consisting of 37 students who were registered for Teacher Experience Course of Computer Education and Instructional Technology, Faculty of Educational Science, Ankara University. In order to collect data a 5 point likert scale with 34 items, which is developed by Üstüner (2006), was used. The scale was used both at the beginning and at the end of the semester. At the beginning of the semester students who would go to the public schools institutions once a week were randomly assigned to one of the five schools. The study took 10 weeks. Beginning from 4th week, students were given scenarios once a week, totally 8 scenarios. The main aim of these scenarios was to assist students in order to improve their standpoints according to the problems that they encountered in the school. Scenarios and solutions were discussed at the face to face courses, semiweekly. The period of Teaching Practice and generated solutions according to presented problems were assessed with students at the last week of the study. Descriptive statistics and t-test statistical technique were used to analysis of data. The result of the study indicated that there is a significant difference in favour of average points of posttest.



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