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Abstract (2. Language): 
Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU) is the first Open University in Asia and established in 1974 on the model of UKOU. AIOU uses different media for the delivery of instruction. It has a well established Institute of Educational Technology which has radio and TV production facilities and advance level of work in computer technology. AOU offers diversified courses and programs ranging from literacy to PhD level in its four faculties. The Faculty of Education established in 1984 is the largest faculties of the university with 47% enrolment of the university and contributor of 53% to the total annual university exchequer. At present 30 programs and 135 courses in its eight department/Institutes being run by the faculty. The Faculty offers variety of programs in education and training of teachers and educational professionals. These academic programs range from primary teachers training to M.S/M.Phil and Ph.D. levels in various areas of specializations by its following departments: Secondary Teacher Education, Distance Non Formal and Continuing Education, Educational Planning, Policy studies and leadership, Early Childhood Education and Elementary Education, Special Education and Science Education. The faculty has also chalked out B.Ed (Honors) 4 year degree programme in various specializations. The mode of delivery is absolutely a distance learning mode and various components are devised as teaching methodology which is based on; Study centers and information technology, Radio and TV programs, tutorials, assignments/formative evaluation, workshops/practical, face to face teaching, internship and final examination. The university employs non-formal method of correspondence, radio and television broadcasts, special textbooks and reading materials prepared on self-learning basis, part-time teachers (tutors) engaged nearest to the student's residences. And a system of study centers for applied training is spread throughout Pakistan. There is an effective use of various mediums of communication in AIOU for dissemination of education, including especially designed printed text, radio and television broadcasts and lately inducted instructional CDs. The radio and television programs produced in AIOU support and complement the distance-teaching-based courses of the University. Radio and television programs are transmitted on the national television and radio broadcasting networks. One hour daily television programs on PTV channels and half an hour radio programs through PBC transmission. Non-broadcast audio-visual material is also used for small group instruction and individual study. Hence this case study discusses the practices of delivery at AIOU.



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