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Abstract (2. Language): 
It might be said that attitudes impact success directly in web-based teaching and timely and appropriate fulfillment of learners’ expectations bear utmost significance for their success. From this perspective a properly designed web supported teaching application can provide positive contribution as well to learners’ attitudes towards web supported teaching and internet. Based on this premise, the objective of present research is to explore the effects of different interaction types in web-based teaching setting on the attitudes of learners towards web-based teaching and internet. An experimental pattern with pretest-posttest control group was used in the study. Study group of research consists of 77 students. Research data have been compiled via Attitude towards Internet Scale (α=0,77) and Attitude towards Web-based Learning Scale (α=0,86). In one of the experimental groups, synchronous web-based training interaction and in the other group asynchronous web-based training interaction and in the control group learner-content only interaction has been provided. In data analysis; standard deviation, arithmetical means, one-way variance analysis and LSD tests have been employed. As a result: Web-based training applications with synchronous interaction, compared to web-based training application with learner-content only interaction, have significantly higher contribution on learners’ attitudes towards web-based teaching. In Web-based teaching settings different types of interaction have no effect on learners’ attitudes towards internet which may be attributed to the fact that learners’ attitudes towards internet were already in quite high levels prior to the procedure.



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