
The Effects of Post-Observational Reflective Feedback Modes on Teaching Beliefs: Peer vs. Teacher-Mediated Feedback

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Abstract (2. Language): 
The aim of this study was to investigate whether the pre-service teachers' language teaching beliefs changed as a result of two different post-observational reflective feedback modes; teacher mediated and peer feedback, during their teaching practice. For each post-observational feedback mode, two groups of eight Turkish pre-service language teachers attending to the final year at English Language Teaching Department at Anadolu University, totally 16 pre-service teachers participated in the study. The qualitative and quantitative data was collected at the beginning and end of the different feedback treatments from each group. The results indicated that the feedback modes on pre-service teachers' teaching practice could influence their beliefs about teaching. Peer feedback had a potential to change the teachers' beliefs through critical reflection skills that were fostered as a result of collaboration within the peer group.



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