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Abstract (2. Language): 
Servet-i Fünun to escape reality and a dream asylum on the basis of Turkish literature. Located in the psychological background of Servet-i Fünun "malaise" and "escape" brings the melancholic structure along tems. Virtually all the artists of the literature "pessimism" about is a common attitude. Life dissatisfaction and diseased structure also shows itself in their daily lives. Tevfik Fikret and Cenap Şahabettin, is also among the pioneers of the modern Turkish poetry as poetry that Servet-i Fünûn. Both poets will shape the direction of poetry during this period. Fikret and Cenap, even if they have common features in many aspects of poetry they show little differences on some issues. Due to the need for other reasons as well as differences in the psychological sense of melancholic structure has important differences between the two poets. Melancholia is a psychological and physical dimensions of a mental illness. This situation generally intense distress, grief and pessimistically out to face the day. This disease is drifting from place to place, even suicide "psychotic depression" is the state. This generally, Overall psychophysiological factors; infectious, traumatic, hormonal, neurological, socio-economic, organsal, toxic, reveals reasons. People suffering from melancholy disease takes on a very sensitive structure primarily shows a change in temperament and character. Melancholic slowdown in the person's movements and behavior, excitability, emotion, crying, irritability, etc. fast decision making. conditions are observed. Such people usually fail in their daily life and business relations. Melancholy afflicted person's appetite and sleep is lost, these people indigestion, headache, anxiety, insecurity, obsession (obsessions) and fear are seen. Moody and melancholic structure holds an important place in Fikret's poetry. Adversities in Fikret's internal and external world shows itself in his works significantly. Tevfik Fikret's friends bedbinlig effect inability to find him so shrewd also important. Tevfik Fikret structure is reflected in the state of depressed mood in all the elements of his life. Her perception of the poet's life, self, alienates the world and the environment. People can not enjoy life in depression, anxiety, are within easy uncontrollable anxiety and irritability. Rebecca's psychic structure is its pessimistic and determinant of incompatible structures. Poet belligerent, fragile, sickly, melancholy and the works of people laden with contrast we see that reflected significantly. On the basis of the poet's unhappiness is located sorrow. He, as well as the outside world is almost in conflict with their presence. Life is tragic flow limits the presence of areas of Fikret poet drags chaos. "Gayyâ-yı Vücûd" is located in a very deep pessimism in the poem. "Gayya" hell is the name of a well represent the presence of Existence. Significantly the rest of the name Rebecca is seen as reflecting the same feature in the last poem in the influence of Western literature. "Sis" in a poem, Tevfik Fikret appears to be in deep despair and loneliness mood. In this poem the poet's pessimistic and melancholic structure, Istanbul property has been reflected in the spiritual existence. Of Fikret poet's temperament look behind the scenes of this city as well as the transfer of hatred are the role of political structures. Fikret "İktirâb" pessimism of the poem to the highest level. Ultimately, Tevfik Fikret was reflected largely taken across the pessimistic nature poetry life. He, loneliness, fear and pain that feels deeply and it is a poet field tem master the life and works. Chaotic nature of the period, his mother and uncle to be lost at a young age, the destruction and his father's exile, the closure of Servet-i Fünun, he arrested several times, diseases and angry, combative and sad structure is caused to be melancholy dominant element in Fikret's poetry. Cenap Şahabettin the exception of some poems melancholy situation is superficial. Cenap is cheerful and sarcastic. This temperament of her pessimism, melancholy away from the doors. Occasionally seen in the dark melancholy poem, the poet had looked remotely, is simply a case of looking and depict meat. For this reason, outside of a few poems of the poet, to mention a deep melancholy seen Tevfik Fikret is not possible. Cenap Şahabettin the "Mahsûl-i Mâtem”, “Şi’r-i Mahzûn” and “Temâşâ-yı Hazân” " melancholy of interest to the next level in the poem. After all, his Cenap Şahabettin in poetry pessimism and malaise is not as deep as in the Tevfik Fikret. A melancholic structure does not take place outside of some of his poems. Has major role of the poet's temperament. He is the string containing the pessimistic sentiment is far from reveal deep psychological tests. The poetry of Servet-i Fünun first mention of love, nature, sorrow, deep feeling and large dreams, imagination-reality clash, pessimism, melancholy and so on themes remembered. In general during this period were seen in the individualistic understanding of art, artists have to say that there are some differences between. Servet-i Fünun representing the direction of the foremost artists of poetry and Tevfik Fikret and Cenap Şahabettin, show significant differences despite being raised in the same period. Fikret's pessimistic mood, that is largely reflected in the pessimistic view of life works. In most of the poems we are faced with a miserable human type. He not only in the inner world is convulsed in disasters in the outside world. He is not afraid to simulate the presence of the kingdom of hell and gayya well. Despite being one of the most important poets Cenap Şahabettin also constitute the poetic understanding of this period differs from place to place because of differences in temperament Tevfik Fikret. He does not look unlike Fikret pessimist life. Its a bit cynical and cheerful structure itself prevents a deep melancholy to the drift. Cenap can not be talking about a heavy melancholy outside of a few poems. Tevfik Fikret, although closer to a tragic perspective, almost everything Cenap is directed to escape the tragic cosmos. In this article we try to analyze the structure of melancholic poetry Cenap Şahabettin and Tevfik Fikret.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Servet-i Fünûn dönemi Türk edebiyatının temelinde hakikatten kaçış ve hayale sığınma vardır. Servet-i Fünûn edebiyatının psikolojik arka planında yer alan “marazîlik” ve “kaçış” temleri beraberinde melankolik yapıyı da getirir. Bu edebiyatın hemen hemen bütün sanatçıları “karamsarlık” konusunda ortak tavırdadır. Hayattan memnuniyetsizlik ve hastalıklı yapı onların günlük hayatlarında da kendisini gösterir. Tevfik Fikret ve Cenap Şahabettin, Servet-i Fünûn şiirinin olduğu kadar modern Türk şiirinin de öncüleri arasındadır. Her iki şair bu dönemin şiir yönünü şekillendirir. Fikret ve Cenap, şiir anlayışlarında birçok hususta ortak özelliklere sahip olsalar da bazı konularda az çok farklılıklar gösterirler. İki şair arasında gerek psikolojik yapıdaki farklılık gerekse diğer nedenlerden dolayı melankolik anlamda önemli farklar bulunur. Melankoli, ruhsal ve bedensel boyutlu bir akıl hastalığıdır. Bu durum genel olarak yoğun bir sıkıntı, keder ve karamsarlıkla gün yüzüne çıkar. Bu hastalık yer yer intihara bile sürüklenen “psikotik depresyon” halidir. Bu durum genel olarak psikofizyolojik faktörler; infeksiyöz, travmatik, hormonal, nörolojik, sosyo-ekonomik, organsal, toksik, sebeplerden dolayı ortaya çıkar. Melankoli hastalığına yakalanmış kişi öncelikle oldukça hassas bir yapıya bürünür, mizaç ve karakter değişikliği gösterir. Melankolik kişinin hareket ve davranışlarında yavaşlama, çabuk heyecanlanma, duygulanma, ağlama, sinirlenme, ani karar verme vb. gibi durumlar görülür. Bu tip kişiler günlük ilişkilerinde ve iş hayatlarında genellikle başarısız olurlar. Melankoliye tutulmuş kişinin iştah ve uykusu kaybolur, bu kişilerde hazımsızlık, baş ağrısı, endişe, güvensizlik, saplantı (obsesyon) ve korkular görülür. Bu yazımızda Tevfik Fikret ve Cenap Şahabettin’in şiirlerindeki melankolik yapıyı analiz etmeye çalışacağız.



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