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- Turkish Studies
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Purpose and Signifiance
Today, Social Studies teachers are far more than mere conduits of information or curriculum developed by the experts. Social studies teachers are the key to what happens in classrooms (Thornton, 2005). To use Thornton’s (2005) term, social studies teachers are the “curricular-instructional gatekeepers.” As gatekeepers, teachers actively shape an instructional program. Teachers can interpret what counts as successful passage through the gate, open the gate wide or narrow, based on what they believe students can or should profit from on the other side, allow innovation through or block it based on their estimation of its educational or practical worth, and so forth (Thornton, 2010:16). In short, it is assumed that teachers’ knowledge, beliefs, thinking, and attitudes serve as the basis for the decisions they make about their practice and student learning (Adler, 2008:340). The aim of this study was to explore Social Studies teachers perception of the aim of teaching Social Studies in the school cirriculum.
Although the lack of consensus about the meaning of Social Studies itself (Nelson, 2001; Evans, 2004; Adler, 2008), the definition and meaning of Social Studies has significant implications for the school curriculum, teacher/classroom practice, the teacher education curriculum, and the forms of research valued in the field (Nelson, 2001:15). As described in the published framework for K-12 social studies education the overarching aim is to prepare Turkish citizens who embrace Atatürk’s principles and revolutions, understand Turkish history and culture, espouse democratic values, respect human rights, care about the environment, know about their rights and responsibilities as citizens, and think critically and creatively in order to make informed decisions (TTKB, 2009). The reforms to Social Studies education in Turkey required new approaches to curriculum, instruction and teacher education. The most important innovation in the new Social Studies curriculum is a student-centered approach and an emphasis on active participation and involvement by students in the learning activities (Doğanay, 2005; Öztürk, 2006; Saftan, 2008; Açıkalın, 2010). It is cleared that traditional education has been changed and the student-centered approach is made in planning. Although, the meaing and aim of the teaching social studies changes some studies showed that Social Studies make nothing of the new meaning and aim of teaching Social Studies ( Doğanay & Sarı, Dinç & Doğan; 2010). In short, it is clear relevant literature that, there is need to examine social studies teachers’ perceptions of the aim of teaching social studies.
Survey model has been employed in this study to investigate, social studies teachers’ perceptions. 63 social studies teachers’ participated the study. Questionnaire containing open ended questions was used to data collection tool. Prior to application, the questionnaire was examined by experts, and administered to social studies teachers for a pilot study. Following the expertise and pilot study, questionnaire took its final form to be applied. Descriptive analysis techniques—one of qualitative analysis techniques—was utilized for the analysis of the data collected through open ended questions (Yıldrım, Şimşek; 2005). The answers were coded two times by one of the researchers to understand the reliability of the findings. The reliability of this research was found as 92%.
In the light of analyses 7 categories were defined. Namely; teaching Social Studies for transforming citizenship, for social studies, for reflecting inquary, for social efficience, for adapte to life, for social development and for global education. The research results showed that, the most importand aim for social studies teachers was transforing citizenship (% 23,8) than, for adop to life (20.6%), for social efficience (% 17,5), for social development (% 17,5), for social efficience (% 4,8), for reflecting inquary (% 4,8), for global education (% 4,8).
Discussion, Conclusion and Suggestions
Although, the categories about the purpose of teaching Social Studies varied, 7 major categories emerged from the data Namely; teaching social studies for transforming citizenship, for social studies, for reflecting inquary, for social efficience, for adapte to life, for social development and for global education.
The research results showed that, the most importand aim of teaching Social Studies for Social Studies teachers was transforing citizenship. Almost all the participants, pointed to the main purpose of teaching Social Studies as being good citizens. This participants cited being good citizens who knows Turkish history and geography, embrace Atatürk’s principles and revolutions, , know about their rights and responsibilities as citizens, understand Turkish culture and volunteer to inform nex generation about Turkish history and culture.
The second major category for the purpose of social studies was the adapting fo to real life (outside the school) category. These participants pointed to the sole purpose of teaching social studies as being to improve students for life outside the schools. This participants mention teaching values and communication skills were the most important role of Social Studies teacher.
The third category was teaching for social efficience. For this participants the major aim of teaching social studies was to improve society via education.
Teaching social studies for reflecting inquary was one of the lest mentioned category for social studies teachers. Despite the fact that traditional education has been changed, some Social Studies teachers make nothing of the new meaning and aim of teaching Social Studies. Global education also other lest mentioned category. One of thi improtand finding of this study that, Social Studies teachers’ working experiences, gender, schools and departments they graduated and were determined as effective factors in perseptions of the aim of teaching social studies. Therefore the findings in this study suggest that Social Studies teachers perceptions about teaching Social Studies need to examine deeply.
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Abstract (Original Language):
Bu araştırmanın amacı, Sosyal Bilgiler öğretmenlerinin Sosyal Bilgiler öğretiminin amacına ilişkin görüşlerininin neler olduğunu belirlemektir. Araştırmanın katılımcılarını İzmir İlinde görev yapmakta olan 63 Sosyal Bilgiler öğretmeninden oluşmaktadır. Katılımcılara “Çevrenizdeki kişiler (anneniz, babanız, arkadaşlarınız, öğretmen arkadaşlarınız, öğrencileriniz ya da velileriniz…) okullarda neden sosyal bilgiler dersi öğretiliyor? Bu dersin öğretim amacı nedir? Diye sorarlar ise onlara ne gibi cevaplar verirsiniz? Sorusunun yazılı olarak sunulduğu ve kendilerinin cevaplarını yazılı olarak iletebilecekleri bir anket uygulanmıştır. Anketten elde edilen veriler doküman olarak değerlendirilmiş ve doküman analizine tabi tutulmuştur. Ayrıca içerik ve betimsel analiz yöntemlerinden yararlanılarak alan yazınına göre kategorileştiriler çerçevesinde kod ve temalar yoluyla veriler analiz edilmiştir. Elde edilen veriler ışığında Sosyal Bilgiler öğretmenlerinin, Sosyal bilgiler öğretminin amaçını 7 yaklaşım çerçevesinde değerlendirdikleri anlaşılmıştır. Bu yaklaşımlar; vatandaşlık aktarımı, sosyal bilimler, yansıtıcı inceleme, toplumsal yeterlilikler, yaşama uyarlayıcı, bireysel gelişim ve küresel eğitim olarak sosyal bilgilerdir. Öğretmenler arasında en çok benimsenen yaklaşımın vatandaşlık aktarımı olarak sosyal bilgiler öğretimi yaklaşımı olduğu tesbit edilmiştir. Araştırmanın sonucunda Sosyal Bilgiler öğretmenlerinin, Sosyal Bilgiler öğretiminin amacına ilişkin benimsemiş oldukları yaklaşımların mesleki kıdem, cinsiyet, mezun olunan fakülte ve bölüm değişkenlerine göre farklılıklar olduğu tespit edilmiş bu sonuçlar ışığında bundan sonra bu alanda yapılacak araştırmalar ve sosyal bilgiler öğretmenlerine yönelik hazırlanacak hizmet içi eğitimlere yönelik önerilerde bulunulmuştur.
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