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Abstract (2. Language): 
In this study, there is a great focus on evaluation of the texts used for the development of fundamental reading skill by lecturers who work at Turkish Teaching Centers within the Common European Framework within the scope of teaching Turkish to foreigners. The source data of this research have been figured out with the semi- structure interview form prepared by the researcher. The subject of this study has been re-shaped with the semi-structured interview form after taken three experts’ opinion about Teaching Turkish to foreigners. After making necessary corrections, interviews have been realized with experts and fourteen lecturers who have taught related subjects at universities. In this study, for lecturers’ development process at fundamental reading skill in the field of teaching Turkish to foreigners, there are texts used in European Common text, text features, criticism, suggestions and detections. Within this criticism, suggestions and detections, it is considered that it would be more useful for the field if reading texts in Turkish teaching area within the scope of the development of reading texts fundamental reading skill and text features should be made more qualified. The Purpose of the Study and Introduction Foreign language teaching which serves as a bridge in terms of education and culture has gained much importance in Turkey and at state and foundation universities, by means of the institutions which have been opened under the name of Turkish Teaching Centers (TÖMER) have undertaken the work of teaching Turkish as a foreign language. In the field of teaching Turkish to foreigners reading skills form a basis to the improvement of the other basic abilities and it can be stated that reading skills are on the key point on the language teaching with the importance on the center of receptive language skills. The aim of the study is to investigate the evaluation of the texts used for the development of fundamental reading skills by lecturers who work at Turkish Teaching Centers within the Common European Application Framework and the qualities of framework within the scope of teaching Turkish to foreigners. Theoretical Framework about the Study Teaching foreign language within Common European Application Framework and the improvements of basic language skills within the frame of the standards of this text have increased its importance within the process. Basic reading skills which are important and basic skills in teaching foreign language are a key point in terms of the improvements of other language skills. According to Keskin and Okur (2013), to gain reading skill in foreign language teaching is closely related with the situation of target audience. Since the students do not sufficiently have the knowledge of the language that they are learning, namely sentence knowledge, vocabulary knowledge and background information, reading in principle tries to reach understanding in education. In other words, reading in foreign language is made to understand the text. The Method In this study, it has been made use of semi structured interview forms and the method of collecting qualitative data forms within interview. Within this framework, meetings have been done with the fourteen instructors working at TÖMER and within Cumhuriyet university, Çukurova university, Gazi Osman Paşa university, İstanbul Sabahattin Zaim university, Mersin university, Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli university chosen via criteria sampling which is a form of an intentional sampling method. The data being the resource of the investigation are attained by the semi structured interview forms prepared by the investigators. The questions of the prepared semi structured interview forms have been rearranged after being made the necessary corrections and taken the opinions of the three experts who are voluntary and in charge of teaching Turkish to foreigners. The data in the semi structured interview form being written answered by the instructors have been classified by decoding according to response qualities. Then the harmony between the grouped decodes have been viewed and the data have been analyzed by content analysis. Findings and Argument In this study, it has been analyzed that the evaluation of the texts used for the development of fundamental reading skill by lecturers who work at Turkish Teaching Centers within the Common European Framework within the scope of teaching Turkish to foreigners. Reading texts as used within the frame of improving reading skill in teaching Turkish to foreigners, Common European Framework and reading aims, students’ needs with functional qualities of the texts,vocabulary of the texts, the principle of culture transfer in foreign language teaching as the finding of the investigation have been handled with many aspects and these results have been attained: The levels, purposes and acquisition determined within the frame of Common European Framework should be made more concrete and elaborate in terms of teaching Turkish as a foreign language. Common Application Text for Languages have been configured to integrate variety of ways. When the role of the application text has taken into consideration, the nature of the learner’s needs and the context that they have gone through gain importance in the further learning degrees. The conformity of the chosen texts for the reading education in Turkish teaching to foreigners to the levels within the frame of Common European Framework have partly been approved by the half of the instructors; in addition, quality difference resulting from difference of edition has been emphasized. That textbooks parallel to scientific studies are better formed in the education activities and the studies related with the problems about planning the textbooks to get the students meaningful learnings well and contemporary developments seen in the education environment go on continuously. Another point that the instructors focused on is that the institutions and constitutions teaching Turkish as a foreign language should be put down and as Biçer, Bozkırlı and Er expressed, that the programs of instruction to teaching Turkish to foreigners should be prepared by experts and the prepared program should be turned into a package software. Besides, that the field of teaching Turkish to foreigners should be made a distinct department in terms of body of literature have been emphasized by the instructors. That the number of the instructors defining that the studies about the vocabulary in the texts that are used in the Turkish teaching as a foreign language should be improved in terms of students’ needs are predominated. When reading texts preferred within the frame of teaching Turkish as a foreign language have been evaluated in terms of students’ needs and education needs, most of the instructors’ opinions are common about the notable findings that original texts and simplified texts should be given together if necessary and the text should be organized according to the students’ levels. The thought that the texts used in teaching Turkish to foreigners should be formed by both original texts and simplified texts in terms of functionality exist among the majority of the instructors. It forms an impression that original texts which will be used at the intermediate (B1-B2) undertake the role of a bridge that the students contact between real life and language. The notion that transmission of culture especially emphasized in terms of language teaching in Common European Application Form for Languages and European Language Portfolio spreads widely ranging from vocabulary to dialogues, from social activities to personal interests. It has been aimed at the reading education in the foreign language that the students’ pronunciation abilities should be improved with oral reading activities preferred commonly. As it happens in the languages that have phonemes having difficult pronunciation, in Turkish the same situation is in question. Beginning from the A1 level it can be stated that the texts comprising from widely used words in daily life within the reading education should firstly be read by the instructors and then should be read by the students themselves have a great importance in terms of pronouncing Turkish correctly. Results and Suggestions When it is studied that the texts have been read to students within the frame of teaching Turkish as a foreign language in terms of functional qualities, it is said that the texts with functional utilities for the students in the level of elementary have the situations that can be met in the social life and accord the students with the society that the student entered. It has been stated by the instructors that using knowledge transmitter texts gradually from intermediate and advanced levels have a great importance in terms of student motivation and rise of learning. Within the frame of reading aims that Common European Framework has defined, the instructors made an arrangement in the form of “learning, finding the main idea in the text and general conforming” according to the order of importance. Firstly, it is seen that the reading texts are for learning and grasping the meaning; besides, there is an effort to accelerate the orientation process about the society in which the target language is spoken. On the other hand, it is thought that the five aims within the frame of the information gained respectively “understanding in detail, reaching the implicit meaning, use in the studies of knowledge and source, enjoy, reaching private information in the text” can be the reading aims of B1-B2 or further levels of readers who have gained a certain experience and an acquisition in using the language. The Suggestions Can Be Ordered With Reference To the Data of the Study 1. It is thought that the acquisitions classified according to the levels of students learning Turkish within the frame of Common European Application Text is far away from reality when it is compared with the current situation of the students. That’s why it is required that the program of teaching Turkish as a foreign language should be arranged in the direction of realistic aims. 2. It is necessary to rearrange the reading texts according to the levels by the domain experts in terms of teaching vocabulary and grammar. 3. It is thought that within the scope of the principle of culture transmission reading texts should be provided with functional characteristics in terms of Turkish culture and culture transmission should be arranged according to the levels. 4. That the reading texts are composed of the original texts which are a bit above the levels of students to the end of the Turkish teaching courses can be useful in terms of the students’ improving motivation and adapting the students’ to higher levels.5. The principle of culture transmission being among the basic principles in teaching foreign language has a great importance of teaching Turkish as a foreign language. It will be more useful for the student that cultural elements in the reading texts are simply formed from functional knowledge in order to feel the student that s/he is in Turkey. It is figured that proverbs, aphorism etc. which have an intense expression symbolize the society’s way of thinking, their approach to the events, their ingenuity within the vocabulary concept from the end of the intermediate level should be found in the reading texts.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Bu çalışmada Türkçe Öğretim Merkezlerinde görevli öğretim elemanlarının Türkçenin yabancılara öğretimi kapsamında okuma temel becerisinin gelişimine yönelik olarak kullanılan metinlerin AB ortak metni açısından değerlendirmeleri üzerinde durulmuştur. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi, Çukurova Üniversitesi, Gazi Osman Paşa Üniversitesi, İstanbul Sabahattin Zaim Üniversitesi, Mersin Üniversitesi, Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli Üniversitesi bünyesinde Türkçe öğretim merkezlerinde görev yapan 14 öğretim elemanı oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmanın kaynak verilerine ise araştırmacılar tarafından hazırlanan yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme formu aracılığıyla ulaşılmıştır. Araştırma konusu ekseninde tasarlanan yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme formu yabancılara Türkçe öğretimi konusunda 3 uzmanın görüşü alındıktan sonra yeniden şekillendirilmiştir. Gerekli düzeltmeler yapıldıktan sonra üniversitelerde bu konuda uzman ve ilgili derslere giren 14 öğretim elemanıyla görüşmeler gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmada öğretim elemanlarının yabancılara Türkçe öğretimi alanında okuma temel becerisinin gelişim sürecine yönelik olarak kullanılan metinlerin AB ortak metni ve metin nitelikleri açısından eleştiri, öneri ve tespitleri bulunmaktadır. Elde edilen bu eleştiri, öneri ve tespitler çerçevesinde yabancılara Türkçe öğretimi alanında kullanılan okuma metinlerinin okuma temel becerisinin gelişimi kapsamında AB ortak metni ve metin nitelikleri açısından daha nitelikli hale getirilmesinin alan açısından daha faydalı olacağı düşünülmektedir. Bunlara ek olarak AB ortak metninde belirlenen seviyelerin Türkçe için uygunluğu, metinlerdeki söz varlığının değerlendirilmesi, metinlerin öğrenme ve öğrenci ihtiyaçları açısından değerlendirilmesi, AB çerçeve metninde belirtilen okuma amaçlarının kullanım yoğunluğu vb. noktalara da değinilmiş olup yabancı dil olarak Türkçe öğrenen öğrencilerin AB ortak metni de gözetilerek okuma temel becerisinin gelişimine katkı sağlayacağı düşünülen önerilerde bulunulmuştur.