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Introduction: In our age, the rapid development of science, changes and develops the social life of individuals and societies. It also forces the structure and function of the institutions to change. Thus, the balance of the existing systems begins to disrupt, and the importance of inspection and guidance services for institutions’ adaptation to new situations increases more. Changes and transformations in education systems effect both the individuals and societies in many ways, these changes and transformations accompany in many differen reasons. Of course one the most important reasons of these changes is political reason. Purpose The purpose of this study is to evaluate the school directors under the light of the education inspectors’ views on the issues such as whether the school directors will act impartially and objectively when they fulfill their duties, the school directors’ efficiency for inspection, the way that the school directors is appointed to their schools, the relation between the teachers and the school directors and the results of this relationship, they will be under the influence of others according to the ways they are appointed. Conceptual Framework Changes and transformations in education systems effect both the individuals and societies in many ways, these changes and transformations accompany in many differen reasons. Of course one the most important reasons of these changes is political reason. For overcoming the difficulties that are encountered in solving the problems in education and training area, if traditional approaches are considered to be insufficient, one of the best approach is to to apply the views of shareholders. In this study, the views of the education inspectors about the inspectorship duties of school directors are analysed. As the education inspectors directly in cotact wit the duties of school directors, their views about them are so important to get a clear idea about their sufficiency in inspection and guidance services at schools. Method In the study, easily accessible situation sampling which is one of the purposeful sampling methods was used. In determining the education inspectors’ views, perceptions and perspectives about inspection duties of the school directors, phenomenology design which is among the qualitative research methods was used. In the evaluation of the data, the content analysis technique was used. In the research, it is benefited from the views of 15 education inspectors who are in different branches and work in 2014-2015 academic year in Malatya. As the data collection tool, semi-structured interview form has been used. In order to provide the internal validity of the study, an extensive literature research has been made and within this literature research, a conceptual frame has been created. With open-ended questions directed to the education inspectors, by asking whether they want to add anything to the existing questions in this conceptual frame, the participants’ approval has been taken. It has been stated that the education inspectors who participate in the study, by underlying being volunteer for the participation, are requested not to write their names and express their views about the subject freely in writing and orally. The creation of semi-structured interview form in the process of providing the external validity of the study, the interviews that have been made and the analysis steps are tried to be explained; working group, data collecting tool, its process, the analaysis and interpretation of the data have been defined in such a way that the readers can understand. To increase the consistency of the data, the findings have been given directly, the two researchers have coded separately on the the data obtained and the rate of consistency have been calculated by comparing the codes. In order to provide the confirmation of the study, the things that have been done during the process have been tried to be explained in detail, the data obtained and codes have been stored so that they can be examined later. Findings and discussion According to the findings, the leading problems that the education inspectors mentioned related with whether the school directors are efficient in class inspection or not are the views that are “They are insufficient in fulfilling their class inspection” with 15 persons (100 %), and again with 15 persons (100 %) “They do not have enough knowledge”. On the other hand, the view “Informal relationship invalidates the inspection” became the least mentioned problem with 3 persons (20%). When the views about whether the school directors think that they need to have more training on class inspection are analysed, the leading problem became the view “He must be an expert in his field” with 15 persons (100 %). The views “There must be discipline” and “they become efficient only by way of in-service training” were the least mentioned problem with 1 person each (6,67%). When the views of the education inspectors on whether the school directors will act in accordance with the principles of objectivity and impartiality while they do class inspection are examined, the leading problem is “Class inspection cannot fulfil objectively and impartially” with 15 persons (100%). “Inspection by only one person is not suitable” and “That the teacher give points make the directors partial” became the least mentioned problems with 1 person each (6,67%). Besides, the codes of “He must receive training on class inspection” (80%), “Self-confidence occurs with more experience and training” (33,33%), “He must have the qualification of guidance” (26,67%), “The one who inspects must be more trained than the one who is inspected” (13,33%), “There must be discipline” (6,67%), “They become efficient by way of in-service training” (6,67%) were obtained as the other findings of the study. Conclusions and recommendations Consequently, as a result of the interview with the education inspectors, the views that the school directors work with the teachers in an informal environment and that they have informal relationships with each other will prevent a healthy inspection became the prominent view. In addition, because the school director do not receive enough in-service training on inspection and their lack of experience, that they cannot fulfil a successful inspection is another result. Since that the school directors inspect the theacher in the same institution is not ethical, impartial persons should inspect the teachers. It will be more accurate that the ones who have a master’s degree in the field of inspection and the ones who are more competent, should inspect the teachers. In order that the school directors can fulfil their inspection duties, the qualification of being an education director must primarily be the required specification. At the same time, the school directors should display formal and informal relations in time and correctly. The view that if the one who inspects do not have more knowledge and experience than the one who is inspected, that inspection will not reach the goal of guidance, emerged as another result. The one who inspects the teachers should guide them and should not control only the documents. Since the way the school directors are appointed is not fair, they will not be able to have the principle of being neutral. Because they will be under the influence of the political will and the unions that they help their appointments. That the teachers in a school give points for the appointment of the school director can cause the school director show different behaviours according to the given positive or negative points. A sided inspection will give rise to new problems instead of solving them. As a result, the most significant results of this study is that the inspection should be done by the inspectors who are indepentent, impartial and who have post graduate education and efficient.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Çağımızda, bilimin hızlı bir şekilde ilerlemesi, bireylerin ve toplumların sosyal yaşantısını, değiştirmekte ve geliştirmektedir. Bunun beraberinde kurumların yapısını ve işlevini de değişikliğe zorlamaktadır. Böylece mevcut sistemlerin dengeleri bozulmaya başlamakta, kurumların yeni durumlara uyum sağlanabilmeleri için denetim ve rehberlik hizmetlerinin önemi de daha da çok artmaktadır. Bu araştırmada; maarif müfettişlerinin, okul müdürlerinin denetmenlik görevleri hakkındaki görüşleri incelenmektedir. Araştırmada Malatya İlinde 2014 – 2015 öğretim yılında görev yapmakta olan, farklı branşlarda 15 maarif müfettişin görüşünden faydalanmıştır. Veri toplama aracı olarak; yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme formu kullanılmıştır. Bu araştırmanın amacı; okul müdürlerinin denetmenlik görevlerini yerine getirmede tarafsız ve objektif olarak davranıp davranmayacağı, okul müdürlerinin denetmeleme görevleri için yeterliliği, okul müdürlüğü görevine atanma şekli, okul müdürleri ile öğretmen ilişkileri ve bu ilişkilerin doğuracağı sonuçlar, atanma şekillerine göre başkalarının etkisi altında kalıp kalmayacağı gibi konularda maarif müfettişlerin görüşleri ışığında okul müdürlerinin değerlendirilmelerini yapmaktır. Araştırmada, amaçlı örnekleme yöntemlerinden biri olan kolay ulaşılabilir durum örneklemesi kullanılmıştır. Maarif Müfettişlerinin, Okul Müdürlerinin denetmenlik görevleri hakkındaki görüşleri hakkındaki algıları ve perspektiflerini belirlemede, nitel araştırma yöntemleri arasında yer alan olgu bilim (fenomenoloji) deseni kullanılmıştır. Verilerin değerlendirilmesinde de içerik analizi tekniği kullanılmıştır. Sonuç olarak maarif müfettişleri ile yapılan görüşmeler neticesinde; okul müdürlerinin, öğretmenler ile informal bir ortamda çalışyor olmaları ve informal bir ilişkiye sahip olmaları müdürlerin sağlıklı denetim yapmasını engelleyeceği görüşü ön planı çıkan bir görüş olmuştur. Ayrıca okul müdürleri denetmenlik ile ilgili yeterli hizmet içi eğitim almadıklarından ve tecrübe eksikliklerinden dolayı başarılı bir denetim gerçekleştiremeyecekleri de bir başka sonuç olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Okul müdürlerinin aynı kurumda çalışan öğretmenleri denetlemeleri etik olmadığı için tarafsız kişilerin öğretmenleri denetlemeleri gerekir. Öğretmenleri, eğitim yönetimi ve denetimi alanında yüksek lisans yapmış daha tecrübeli ve daha yeterli kişilerin denetlemesi daha doğru olacaktır. Okul müdürlerinin denetmenlik görevlerini yerine getirebilmeleri için eğitim yöneticiliği vasfının olması öncellikli olarak aranan bir özellik olmalıdır. Aynı zamanda okul müdürleri formal ve informal ilişkileri zamanında ve doğru olarak sergilemelidirler. Denetleyen, öncelikle denetlenenden daha fazla bilgi ve tecrübeye sahip değilse o denetim ve rehberlik amacına ulaşmayacaktır görüşü de araştırmanın başka bir sonucudur.



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