Journal Name:
- Turkish Studies
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Abstract (2. Language):
Introduction and Purpose of Study
The human intelligence is based on a complex system that works in a certain order. This system allows us perceiving the universe and events around us. It is the mental process, and has been rather elaborated by the psychologists. Though the linguists were interested in it, their studies did not go beyond the gains. Sensory verbs form the perception step in mental process. Perception is carried out by the senses in the human body. The verbs which are used to indicate the actions happen with the help of the senses in our body are called as sensory verbs.
After analyzing the tactile sensation verbs that we found, according to their central meaning and connotations, we are going to determine whether they convey positive or negative meanings. Does a physical contact or a mental contact affect the formation of the verbs will be another field of analysis in this study. Finally, whether these verbs formed unprompted or not will be found. In our study, we examined verbs of tactile sensation into three groups as basic tactile sensation verbs, sensation verbs of compassion and violence.
The emotional verbs constitute the perception that is the first step of the mental process. The perception is realized through the human body senses. However, the concept of emotional verbs is used to define the actions induced by the senses in the course of perception. When one considers that the human being perceives everything in the outer world through his senses, the emotional verbs naturally include many examples. In order to demonstrate if our determined tactile verbs are actually used, we gave some examples of sentences from the literal works. We used three different ways to select the sentences of the Kazakh Turkish language. The first way was to trace the available printed matters to determine the example sentences. The second was to use two Internet sites where the literal works of Kazakhstan are published in electronic medium. We selected sentences from the literal works published in the said sites. It was the last step where we used the “Kazak Tilinin Edebi Sözdiği” (Literal Kazakh Vocabulary) of fifteen volumes.
Findings and Discussion
In tracing the both dialects to find the emotional verbs, we determined all the emotional verbs and the number of their common usage. The Kazakh Turkish Language covers extremely higher number of emotional verbs than in the Turkish Language of Turkey. Upon search of the Kazakh Turkish Language, we found 255 emotional verbs, of which 205 ones are actually used. It reveals that the nominations of actions formed by the senses have such verbs as are specific to those actions. And the remaining verbs take place within the emotional verbs as of their connotations. As of the Turkish Language of Turkey, we determined 180 emotional verbs, 121 ones of which are basically used.
We found 56 tactile verbs in the Kazakh Turkish Language. However, we elaborated only their emotional meanings. We studied the verbs in terms of central meaning-connotation, positive-negative meaning, voluntary-involuntary and physical-mental contacts. 42 ones of 55 verbs determined by us take place in this group as of their original meanings. Out of the remaining verbs, 6 ones have the secondary tactile meanings, and the 2 ones quaternary tactile meanings, while 5 ones have both the primary and secondary tactile meanings. In the Turkish Language of Turkey, we however found 75 tactile emotional verbs. Of such verbs, 48 ones have the primary tactile meaning, while 8 and 3 ones involve the tactile feelings in the secondary meaning and the tertiary and fifth meanings respectively. Out of the remaining verbs, 11 ones take place in this group with their primary and secondary meanings, while 2 ones have more than two meanings even in this group.
16 ones of the 55 verbs we determined in the Kazakh Turkish Language are commonly used in the Turkish Language of Turkey. Such kernel verbs as tiy-, tut-, uvısta, türt- take place among the verbs commonly used as the tactile verbs. As the kernel verbs are commonly used, it is understood that the denominations of tactile verbs are identically used şn the both dialects.
Conclusion and Suggestions
The tactile sense verbs take an important place in the both dialects, and it is the sole sense that is expressed by more verbs in the Turkish Language of Turkey than in the Kazakh Turkish Language. Indeed, the Turkish Language of Turkey refers to the tactile sense more frequently than the Kazakh Turkish Language. When one considers it in terms of the cumulative emotional verbs, the richness of the Kazakh Turkish language becomes apparent. This may be attributed to the fact that the urbanization is, compared to the urbanization in Turkey, less in the geography where the Kazakh Turkish Language is used. A more comprehensive search on the dialects and in the dictionaries of idioms would likely result in more numbers of emotional verbs.
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Abstract (Original Language):
Duyu fiilleri mental sürecin algılama basamağını oluşturur. Algılamayı insan vücudunda bulunan duyular gerçekleştirir. Vücudumuzda bulunan bu duyular sayesinde oluşan eylemleri belirtmede kullanılan fiiller duyu fiilleri olarak adlandırılmaktadır. Bir başka ifadeyle duyu fiilleri, zihinsel sürecin bir parçası olup bu sürecin başlaması için çevredeki ve bünyemizdeki uyaranları istekli ya da isteksiz olarak algılayıp zihne ulaştırarak süreci başlatan eylemlerdir.
Tespit ettiğimiz dokunma duyu fiillerini temel ve yan anlam açısından inceleyip, taşıdığı anlamın olumlu veya olumsuz olduğunu belirleyeceğiz. Bir diğer inceleme yapacağımız alan ise fiillerin fiziksel mi yoksa zihinsel bir temas sonucuyla mı oluştuğudur. Son olarak da bulunan fiillerin istemli oluşup oluşmadığının tespit edilmesidir. Çalışmamızda Kazak Türkçesinde dokunma duyu fiillerini, temel dokunma duyu fiilleri, şefkat içeren duyu fiilleri, şiddet içeren duyu fiilleri olarak üç grupta inceledik. Dokunma duyu fiillerinde Kazak Türkçesinde Tespit ettiğimiz 55 fiilden 16 tanesi Türkiye Türkçesi ile ortak olarak kullanılmaktadır. Dokunma duyu fiillerinde ortak olarak kullanılan fiillerin içerisinde tiy-, tut-, uvısta-, türt- gibi çekirdek fiiller bulunmaktadır. Çekirdek eylemlerin ortak olarak kullanılması dokunma duyusunun adlandırılmasının her iki lehçede de aynı olduğunu göstermektedir. Dokunma duyu fiilleri her iki lehçede de önemli bir yer tutmaktadır ve dokunma duyusu Türkiye Türkçesinde Kazak Türkçesinden daha fazla fiile sahip olan tek duyudur. Türkiye Türkçesi Kazak Türkçesine oranla dokunma duyusuna daha fazla başvurmaktadır. Toplam duyu fiilleri açısından baktığımız zaman ise Kazak Türkçesinin zenginliği ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bu zenginliğin sebebi Kazak Türkçesinin kullanıldığı coğrafyada Türkiye’ye göre şehirleşmenin az olmasıdır. Ağızlarda ve deyimler sözlüğünde yapılacak bir çalışma tespit edilen dokunma duyu fiilleri sayısını epeyce artırabilir.
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