
Talasemi major tanisi olan hastalarda osteoporoz sikliginin degerlendirilmesi

Determination of osteoporosis frequency among the thalassemia major patients

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Objective: Thalassemia major is the heaviest form of the tha-lassemias. Anemia, hepatosplenomegaly, spinal deformities and osteoporosis can be seen in the patients with thalassemia major. Our aim is to detect the frequency of osteoporosis among the tha-lassemia major patients. Methods: Patients with diagnosis of thalassemia major were included in the study. Bone mineral density (BMD) scores (T-score and Z-score) less than -2.5 were accepted as osteoporosis and the scores between -1.5 and -2.5 were accepted as osteopenia. Patients were asked if they had any treatment for bone disorders. Results: Total 25 patients with thalasemia major (14 men, 11 women) were included to study. Patients average age was 22.0± 0.90 years. According to BMD scores 16 of our patients had osteoporosis where as 9 patients had osteopenia. None of the patients were screened for osteoporosis and also none of them was taken any supportive bone treatment. Conclusions: Patients with thalasemia major should be screened for osteoporosis which will affect their further life and quality of life and appropriate medications should be given at early stages.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Amac: Talasemilerin en agir tipi talasemi majordur. Talasemi ma-jorlu hastalarda anemi, hepatosplenomegali ve spinal deformiteler gibi kemik deformiteleri yaninda osteoporoz da gorulebilmekte-dir. Amacimiz talasemi major tanisi olan hastalarda osteoporoz sikligini degerlendirmektir. Yontem: Calismaya talasemi major tanisi alip takipte olan bireyler dahil edildi. Kemik mineral dansitesi T ve Z skorunun -2.5'in altinda olmasi osteoporoz, -1 ile -2.5 arasinda olmasi ise osteopeni olarak kabul edildi. Hastalarin osteoporoz agisindan tedavi alip almadiklari sorgulandi. Bulgular: Calismaya 14'u erkek, kadin toplam 25 talasemi major hastasi alindi. Hastalarin yas ortalamasi 22.0±0.90 yildi. Kemik mineral dansitesi skorlarina gore hastalarin 16'sinda hem Z hem de T skorlarina gore osteoporoz, 9 hastada ise osteopeni saptandi. Bu hastalarin higbirisine daha once osteoporoz taramasi yapilmamis ve herhangi bir destek tedavisi de baslanmamisti. Sonuc: Talasemi major hastalarinin kalan hayatlarini ve yasam ka-litesine olan etkileri agisindan kemik dansitometri ile taranmasinin ve uygun tedavilere en erken donemde baslanmasinin onemli ol-dugu gorusundeyiz.



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