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- Türkiye Aile Hekimliği Dergisi
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Abstract (2. Language):
Objective: Preeclampsia is defined as the presence of high blood pressure, proteinuria and edema during pregnancy. Some investi¬gators have evaluated the relation between maternal folate and vitamin B12 status in relation to the risk of preeclampsia. The goal of the present study was to examine whether maternal plasma folate and vitamin B12 concentrations, measured in the third trimester of pregnancy, are associated with risk of preeclampsia.
Methods: Blood samples of 42 pregnant women with preeclampsia and 39 healthy pregnant women were studied. None of the women were using oral vitamin preparations. Maternal plasma folate and vitamin B12 concentrations were measured by using electro-chemiluminescence method in the third trimester of preg¬nancy. Student's t and chi-square test were used for statistical analysis.
Results: The mean age of 42 pregnant women with preeclamp-sia and 39 healthy pregnant women were 28.7 ± 7.3 and 27.1 ± 7.7 years respectively. We found that 61.9% (26 cases) of the pregnant women with preeclampsia and 66.7% (26 cases) of the healthy pregnant women had low serum levels of vitamin B12 (p>0.05). Low serum levels of folic acid were found in 11.9% (5 cases), of the pregnant women with preeclampsia and, in 2.6% (1 case) of the healthy pregnant women (p>0.05). The mean vita¬min B12 concentration of the pregnant women with preeclamp-sia was 217.13 ± 226.90 pg/ml and, of the healthy pregnant women was 163.47 ± 93.15 (p>0.05). The mean folic acid concentration of the pregnant women with preeclampsia and of the healthy pregnant women were 5.91 ± 3.73 ng/ml and 7.5 ± 3.97 respectively (p>0.05). There were no significant dif¬ferences between vitamin B12 (Phi=0.05, p=0.655) and folic acid (Phi=0.17, p=0.109) levels in both groups.
Conclusion: There was no evidence of an association between preeclampsia and vitamin B12-folic acid concentrations.
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Abstract (Original Language):
Amaç: Preeklampsi gebelik döneminde ortaya çıkan hipertansiyon, proteinüri ve ödemle tanımlanır. Bazı araştırmacılar preeklampsi ile B12 vitamini ve folik asit seviyesi arasında bir ilişki olduğunu ileri sürmüşlerdir. Bu çalışmada amacımız 3. trimesterde ölçülen serum B12 vitamini ve folik asit düzeyleri ile preeklampsi arasındaki ilişkiyi saptamaktı.
Yöntem: Gebe polikliniğine başvuran, hiçbiri vitamin türevi ilaç kullanmayan 42 preeklamptik ve 39 sağlıklı gebenin kan örnekleri değerlendirildi. Üçüncü trimesterdeki gebelerin serum B12 ve folik asit düzeyleri elektrokemilüminesans yöntemiyle ölçüldü. istatistik değerlendirmede Student's t ve ki kare testleri kullanıldı.
Bulgular: 42 preeklamptik ve 39 sağlıklı gebenin yaş ortalaması sırasıyla 28.7 ± 7.3 ve 27.1 ± 7.7 idi. Preeklamptik gebelerin 26'sın-da (%61.9), sağlıklı gebelerinde 26'sında (%66.7) B12 vitamini düzeyi normalin altındaydı (p>0.05). Folik asit düzeyi, preeklamptik gebelerin beşi (%11.9) ile sağlıklı gebelerin birinde (%2.6) normalin altındaydı (p>0.05). Ortalama B12 vitamini düzeyi preeklamptik gebelerde 217.13 ± 226.90 pg/ml, sağlıklı gebelerde 163.47 ± 93.15 pg/ml idi (p>0.05). Ortalama folik asit seviyesi preeklamptik gebelerde 5.91 ± 3.73 ng/ml sağlıklı gebelerde 7.5±3.97 idi (p>0.05). Her iki grup arasında B12 vitamini (Phi=0.05, p=0.655) ve folik asit (Phi=0.17, p=0.109) düzeyleri arasında istatistiksel fark bulunamadı.
Sonuç: Preeklampsi ile B12 vitamini ve folik asit düzeyleri arasında bir ilişki saptanamadı.
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