
Timolol Göz Damlasına Bağlı Kardiyak Arrest

Cardiac Arrest Due to Timolol Ophthalmic Solution

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Timolol is a nonselective β-adrenerjic blocking agent used for the treatment of glaucoma. It can be absorbed from the conjunctiva and cause systemic side effects such as bradicardia, heart failure and bronchospasm. In this article, we reported a case who has a history of asthma, had respiratory and cardiac arrest after administration of timolol ophthalmic solution for treatment of acute glaucoma crisis. The case was admitted to the intensive care unit after cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and mechanical ventilation and medical treatment were begun. The patient who was conscious and had normal blood gas levels was extubated after the 3th day of her treatment and transferred to the Chest Medicine Department
Abstract (Original Language): 
Timolol, glokom tedavisinde kullanılan non-selektif β-adrenerjik blokerdir. Konjonktivadan absorbe olarak bradikardi, kalp yetmezliği ve bronkospazm gibi sistemik yan etkilere yol açabilir. Bu yazıda astım anamnezi olan ve akut glokom krizi nedeniyle oftalmik timolol solüsyonun uygulanmasından sonra bronkospazm ve kardiyak arrest gelişen bir olguyu sunduk. Kardiyopulmoner resüsitasyonu takiben reanimasyon ünitesine alınan olguya mekanik ventilasyon ve medikal tedavi başlandı. Şuuru açılan ve kan gazı değerleri normal olan olgu, tedavisinin 3.günü ekstübe edilerek Göğüs Hastalıkları Kliniği’ne devredildi.



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