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Abstract (2. Language): 
Afghan territories, as of 19th century in particular, have experienced the dominance struggle of imperialist powers. Britain invaded Afghanistan in 1839. On February 19th, 1919 Amanullah Khan, a reformist, took the control of the state and many important developments were taken place under his ruling. In this process, Afghanistan gained her independence from Britain on 8 August 1919 with Treaty of Rawalpindi, thus the foundation of free and independent Afghanistan was laid. Right after gaining her independence, Afghanistan contacted with Turkish Government and the Turkish-Afghan relations increasingly continued in the years of National Struggles and the "Turkish-Afghan Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation" of March 1st, 1921 constituted the foundation of this relation. Afghan people heartily supported the War of Independence which started in Anatolia and this support set an example for all the Eastern Nations. This close relation continued after the Proclamation of the Republic. Amanullah Khan visited Mustafa Kemal Atatürk in Turkey on 20 May 1928 and he wanted to observe the principles of newly established modern Turkey in order to implement those principles in his country. In this visit, which was carried out by Amanullah Khan in order to contribute the development, education and modernisation of the Afghanistan, AmanullahKhan attracted a great deal of attention and friendship. The relations between two countries reached at the highest level.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Afganistan toprakları özellikle 19'uncu yüzyıldan itibaren emperyalist güçlerin hâkimiyet mücadelesine sahne olmuş ve 1839'da İngilizler Afganistan'ı işgal etmişlerdir. 19 Şubat 1919'da Afganistan'ın başına yenilik yanlısı Amanullah Han'ın geçmesi ile ülkede önemli gelişmeler yaşanmaya başlanmıştır. Bu süreçte Afganistan 8 Ağustos 1919 tarihinde Ravalpindi anlaşmasıyla İngilizlere karşı bağımsızlığını kazanmış, hür ve bağımsız Afganistan'ın temelleri atılmıştır. Afganistan'ın bağımsızlığını kazanmasından hemen sonra Ankara Hükümeti ile temasa geçmiş ve Türk-Afgan ilişkileri Millî Mücadele yıllarında artarak devam etmiş ve 1 Mart 1921 tarihli "Türk-Afgan Dostluk ve İşbirliği Anlaşması" bu ilişkilerin temeli olmuştur. Anadolu'da başlayan istiklal mücadelesine Afgan halkı gönülden destek vermiş ve bu mücadele tüm doğu milletlerine örnek olmuştur. Cumhuriyetin ilanından sonrada bu yakın ilişkiler devam etmiş ve Amanullah Han 20 Mayıs 1928de Türkiye'ye gelerek Mustafa Kemal Atatürk ile görüşmüş ve kurulmakta olan modern Türkiye'nin ilk hamlelerini gözlemleyerek ülkesinde uygulamak istemiştir. Amanullah Han'ın, Afganistan'ın kalkınması ve eğitim ve modernleşme çalışmalarına katkı ve destek amacıyla yaptığı bu gezide kendisine yoğun ilgi ve dostluk gösterilmiş, iki ülkenin ilişkileri en üst düzeye çıkmıştır.



Afghan territories, as of 19th century in particular, have experienced the dominance struggle of imperialist powers. Britain invaded Afghanistan in 1839. On February 19th, 1919 Amanullah Khan, a reformist, took the control of the state and many important developments were taken place under his ruling. In this process, Afghanistan gained her independence from Britain on 8 August 1919 with Treaty of Rawalpindi, thus the foundation of free and independent Afghanistan was laid. Right after gaining her independence, Afghanistan contacted with Turkish Government and the Turkish-Afghan relations increasingly continued in the years of National Struggles and the "Turkish-Afghan Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation" of March 1st, 1921 constituted the foundation of this relation. Afghan people heartily supported the War of Independence which started in Anatolia and this support set an example for all the Eastern Nations. This close relation continued after the Proclamation of the Republic. Amanullah Khan visited Mustafa Kemal Atatürk in Turkey on 20 May 1928 and he wanted to observe the principles of newly established modern Turkey in order to implement those principles in his country. In this visit, which was carried out by Amanullah Khan in order to contribute the development, education and modernisation of the Afghanistan, Amanullah Khan attracted a great deal of attention and friendship. The relations between two countries reached at the highest level.

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