
An investigation of educational technology standarts of physical education candidate teachers in terms of several variables

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Abstract (2. Language): 
The present study was designed to evaluate physical education candidate teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs of technology usage in line with the views of physical education candidate teachers in terms of NETS*T standards and to find out whether their self-efficacy beliefs differentiate in terms of gender, time spent using computer, computer usage level, time spent using the internet and their type of using the internet. This study aims at revealing the overall state of pre-service physical education teachers in terms of educational technology standards. The survey method was applied in this study to collect the research data. The scale developed by Çoklar (2008) taking into consideration the sub-factors of NETS-T standards was used as the data gathering tool. 332 (male=203; female=129) final year undergraduate students studying at physical education department at 9 different universities participated in the study. One-way analysis of variance, one-sample independent t test and frequency, percentage from descriptive statistics were used in the analyses of the study and level of significance was set at 0.05. It was found that teacher candidates participated in the study had a high level of self-efficacy regarding educational technology standards. It was determined that there was not a significant difference between the time spent using computers, the time spent using the internet and sub-level self-efficacy beliefs of educational technology standards but there was a significant difference between level of using computer, type of using the internet and sub-level self-efficacy beliefs of educational technology standards.