
The social as a programme for governance: A Foucaudian perspective

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In contrast to global theories of the state, certain thinkers have followed Foucault in seeking to reflect upon the nature of government within 'modern' societies. Linked to this is the idea of the emergence of 'the social' as a specific domain of government and a specific sector of practices, interventions, and knowledges. I attempt to get at the strategic notion of the state and governance that emerges from Foucault and others. It is also an attempt to consider how we might think about this 'social' sector as it appears in phrases such as 'social policy' and 'social welfare'.



1. Foucault. M (1979) "The History of Sexuality Volume One: London: Allen Lane.
2. Ibid. p.5
3. Ibid. p.32-35
4. Donzelot. J (1979) "The Policing of Families, London: Hutcheson. p.237
5. Ibid. p.92
6. Ibid. p.22-27
7. Ibid. p.7
8. Minson. J (1985) "Genealogies of Morals", London: Macmillan. p.9-10
9. Ibid. p.183
10.Polanyi. K (1944) "The Great Transformation", Boston: Beacon Press.Ch. 10 p.327.
11. Ibid. p.137-138
12. Ibid. p.26
13. Bentham. J (1843) "Works", ed. Bowring, J. Vol:3, Edinburgh: William Tait Press. p.52
14. Ibid. p.32
15. Ibid. p.7
16. Gamble. A (1981) "Introduction to Modern Social and Political Thought", London: Macmillan
Press. p.93.
17. Ibid. p.103
18. Ibid. p.97
19. Lukes. S (1973) "Individualism", Oxford, Blackwell Press. p.403.
20. Nozick. R (1974) "Anarchy, State and Utopia", Oxford: Blackwell Press. p.317.
21. Ibid. p.320.
22. Beveridge. W (1944) "Full Employment in a Free Society", London: Allen & Unwin. p.42.
23. Powell. E (1972) "Still to Decide", Tadworth, Surrey: Eliott Right Way Press. p.17-22.
24. Ibid. p.32.

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