
Educational level and future expectations of the children who pick waste papers

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Due to poverty, many children begin to work on the streets and in the informal sector although they need to continue their education. Children who work on the streets usually pick waste papers and their job continue whole day. Therefore they are forced to drop out of school. Waste pickers who are at the age of compulsory education may appear to be a problem for both the country and the education system. The aim of this study is to determine the educational levels and the future expectations of the children who work on the streets by picking waste papers instead of continuing their education. According to the findings, a great majority of the children who pick waste papers are males. The results reveal that the most of them work because of poverty, their age range from 13 to 15 and they drop out of school after 5 years of education. Although the most of them want to go to school and have a job as a policeman or army officer, they see their future ambiguous.



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