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Abstract (2. Language): 
This study aims to analyse, the general power structure of Turkish society, and specifically the Turkish power elite. Also, the relationships within and between the elite groups, and the distribution of power will be examined. This paper will also try to understand and explain the distribution of power in Turkish society: How far is power (effective power) diffused in society or how far it is centralised and concentrated in the hands of elite groups? In accordance with the pluralists views one could argue that, power has been diffused and fragmented among many people or elite groups which together participate in the decision-making process in contemporary Turkish society. Nevertheless, decisive and effective power (parallel with the main thesis of the elitist view) has been concentrated and centralised in the hands of the small number of elite groups which are the most powerful in the national power structure. They are predominant over other groups and these dominant groups know what others do not know and can do what others cannot do.



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© International Journal of Human Sciences ISSN: 1303-5134
www.InsanBilimleri. com/en
Assistant Professor Dr. D. Ali ARSLAN: The Turkish Power Elite
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www.InsanBilimleri. com/en
Assistant Professor Dr. D. Ali ARSLAN: The Turkish Power Elite
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