
Influences of SAP as a development project to the urban and regional development in the E.U. integration process

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Abstract: SAP Project which is one of the important projects of Turkey and Middle East, must be considered more carefully because of the improvements that have been experienced previously in Middle East and EC process. But actually it is not considered enough and it gives harm especially to the improvements of the region and Turkey. The aim of this article is to examine SAP project’s social and rural sides and the mutual effects on Turkey and EC, on the process of the reconstruction of globalization, interference of USA in the region and EC which has been on the agenda. Firs of all the mutual effects of both sides in EC process will be examined. Secondly, the profile which SAP Project has come will be considered and the social and rural improvements in this process will be examined by the frame of functional model. The importance of this article is to put forward the social effects of the practiced investments and technology and examine the way, the quality and the speed which is changed by the problems and contribute the project scientifically. Therefore a new application model of SAP will be presented with solution offers.



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