
Mathematical problem solving and computers: Investigation of the effect of computer aided instruction in solving lowest common multiple and greatest common factor problems

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Abstract (2. Language): 
This paper aims to determine the effect of computer aided instruction on students’ academic performance in solving Lowest Common Multiple and Greatest Common Factor problems and multiplicative structures. The study was held in the second semester of 2008 for five weeks with a total number of 102 sixth grade students. The research was carried out experimentally and a post test control group design method was used in this experimental study. An academic level test was used at the beginning of the study to compare the existing knowledge of experimental and control groups; and a post test and software developed by the researchers about the topic were used as data collection instruments in this study. The means of scores received in academic success test and post test were analyzed using t-test technique. The results of the study show that the use of computer support in teaching and learning Lowest Common Multiple and Greatest Common Factor problems and multiplicative structures in mathematics lesson may increase students academic success.



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