
Disney animation: Global diffusion and local appropriation of culture

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Children’s media products reflect the cultural values of their producers and the social, political and economic conditions under which they were produced. Watching an animated cartoon, therefore, cannot be regarded as an innocent and simple act of consumption. It rather involves a complex process of coding/decoding and appropriating cultural meanings. Disney films are not only global means of entertainment but they can also function as an ideological apparatus. In an era of globalisation where the boundaries and divisions between entertainment and materiel consumption are blurred, Arab audiences are faced with a one-way flow of seemingly alien ideas and values that are disseminated through Disney stories, images and narratives. The relation between structured patterns of communication under globalization, on one hand, and the local conditions under which Disney cartoon products are marketed and consumed in the Arab world, on the other, can be understood as the main axis of globalised diffusion and localised appropriation of American cultural values and lifestyle among Arab societies.