
The effects of constructivist learning approach on the students’ psychomotor and cognitive field achievements in Canon teaching

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Abstract (2. Language): 
The study aims to examine the level the psychomotor and cognitive field achievements of the students learning canon songs in primary school 6th grade music education according to constructivist learning approach and conventional teaching methods(e.g. question& answer, practice, analysis), to compare the differences between the experimental and control groups and finally to determine their permanency levels. For the research, 2x2 split-plot experimental designs were used. In this design, the first factor displays intervention groups (experimental and control), and the second factor shows pretest-posttest measurements according to the dependent variables of the study. In terms of analysis, four statistical analysis methods were used and data were analyzed by means of SPSS for Windows 15.00. Differences between the pre and post psychomotor achievement tests scores in the experimental group were found to be significant in terms of the evaluation criteria. The pre and post tests achievement scores of the students in the control group, while the differences for the five of scores of the evaluation criteria are statistically significant, for one criterion the difference was found insignificant. As for the permanency tests, it is seen that, students’ posttest and permanency test performances in the control and experimental groups have permanent effects on their psychomotor achievement levels but in terms of permanency, certain decreases compared to posttest results were found. It is also seen that rank means and mean scores of the experimental group are higher than the scores of the control group. It can be said that in canon teaching cognitive field, the effects of the teaching methods implemented based on constructivist and conventional approach have decreased in the course of time.



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