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Abstract (2. Language): 
The Armenian population in the Caucasus outside Armenia proper, lives mainly in the Samtshe-Javakheti1 province in Southwest Georgia and in the Krasnodar region of the Russian Federation situated in the Northwest Caucasus – not counting Nagorno-Karabakh. In our day, Javakheti and Adler, situated in the aforementioned two regions, have a predominantly Armenian population that is seeking cultural and political autonomy. Considering the Armenians‟ way of gradually driving away the other peoples from the places they settle in, aiming to have a mono-ethnic structure, and Armenia‟s aspiration to gain access to the coast of the Black Sea, a study of the past and present of the Samtshe-Javakheti and the Krasnodar Armenians – the latter also known as Amshen or Hemshin Armenians – will give clues as to the future of their quest for autonomy-independence. There are a number of factors which make the developments taking place along Turkey‟s Northwestern borders all the more important for Ankara strategically. Some of these factors involve the Samtshe-Javakheti region: 1. The Samtshe-Javakheti province is adjacent to the Turkish province of Ardahan.2 2. The Turkgozu (Posof) border gate – as well as the planned Aktas (Cildir) border gate – is on that province‟s border with Turkey. 3. The Eurasian Transportation Corridor, the Baku-Ceyhan Crude Oil Pipe Line and the Kars-Tbilisi Railway projects will all pass through that province. 4. That province is the homeland of the Ahiska Turks and the possibility of their return there from the places where they have been resettled, is on the agenda. Other factors involve the Russian Federation‟s Krasnodar region: 1. Krasnodar accounts for the Russian Federation‟s entire Black Sea coastal strip. 2. Krasnodar is the Russian equivalent of Turkey‟s agricultural-ly, industrially and commercially developed Marmara region. 3. Two major Black Sea ports such as Novorossysk and Sochi are in that region. 4. The Kurdistan Workers‟ Party (PKK) is active in that region where the Kurds seek autonomy. 5. The Adigey Federated Republic, with which Turkey has a close relationship, is an enclave situated in that region. 6. The Blue Stream Natural Gas Pipe Line‟s itinerary is through that region. 7. Both the Samtshe-Javakheti and Krasnodar (Amshen) Arme-nians are of Anatolian (mainly of Erzurum and Hemshin) origin.



1. In some articles written in Turkish “Javakheti” is referred to as “Cevaheti” or, due to the influence of translations made from Russian, as “Javahetia”.
2. Situated on the Georgian side of the Turkish-Georgian border are the Adzharia Autonomous Republic and the Samtshe-Javakheti province and, on the Turkish side of the border, the Artvin and Ardahan provinces. The Adigeni, Akhalsikhe, Aspindza and Ahalkelek counties of the Samtshe-Javakheti province are adjacent to Turkey, that is, to the Ardahan province.
3. “Meskhet” is generally spelt as “Mesket” in Turkish texts. In this article the correct spelling, “Meskhet”, has been preferred.
4. The ratio of the Armenian population according to the 1989 census: Ahalkelek 91.3 percent / Aspindza 19.1 percent / Ninotsminda 89.6 percent. Armenian sources claim that Armenians account for 97 percent of the population in Javakheti. The Eri newspaper which appears in Georgian (April 10, 1991) and the Panorama Nedeli magazine which appears in Russian (No:32, 1997), said that the Georgians accounted for 2.5 percent of the population in the Javakheti province. (B. Baranowski, K. Baranowski, Historia Gruzii, Wroclaw, 1897, pp. 170-173; Y.D. Anchabadze, N.P. Volkova, The Old Tbilisi, the City and itsDwellers in the 19th Century, Moscow, 1990, p. 33; Anorzej Maryanski, Przemiany Ludnosciowe w GSSR, Warszawa-Krako, 1995, pp 185-191, quoted by Voitsekh Guretski, The Question of Javakheti, Caucasian Regional Studies, Volume III (1), 1998, pp. 1-2,; Ugur Akinci, “Javakhetia: The Next Nagorno-Karabakh?”, A Journal of West Asian Studies, Volume I (2), December 1997, p. 1; Stephen F. Jones, Georgia: the trauma of statehood, New States New Politics: Building the Post-Soviet Nations (com. by) Ian Bremmer and Ray Taras, Cambridge Uni. Press, Cambridge, 1997, p. 543.
5. “Ahalkelek” is “Ahalkalaki” in Georgian language.
6. The web site of the Georgian Parliament:
7. Javakheti province: 1) Ahalkelek county: area: 1,235 square kilometers, county population: 69,103, population of the county seat: 15,192, distance from Tbilisi: 278 kilometers, 2) Ninotsminda county: area: 1,353 square kilometers, county population: 37,895, population of the county seat: 6,944,
distance from Tbilisi: 167 kilometers. The Javakheti province accounted for 2 percent of the country‟s population and for 3.7 percent of the country‟s total area. Meskheti province: 1) Akhalsikhe county: area: 1,010 square kilometers, county population: 54,822, population of the county seat: 24,650, distance from Tbilisi: 207 kilometers. 2) Adigeni county: area: 799.5 square kilometers, population: 21,282, population of the county seat: 1,239, distance from Tbilisi: 236 kilometers. 3) Aspindza county: area: 825.3 kilometers, population: 13,432, population ofthe county seat: 3,783, distance from Tbilisi: 239 kilometers. 4) Borzhomi county: area: 1,189 square kilometers, population: 38,973, population of the county seat: 17,764, distance from Tbilisi: 160 kilometers. The Meskheti province accounted for 2.4 of the country‟s population and for 5.5 percent of the country‟s total area. Geographical conditions set Southwest Georgia – which consists of Javakheti and Meskheti – apart from the rest of the country. Southwest Georgia has a harsh climate, getting snowfall for six months a year with the temperatures going down to minus 20 degrees. In fact it came to be known as the “Siberia of Georgia.” Javakheti is situated on a high plateau at an altitude of 1,750 meters surrounded by old volcanos. Many villages of Ninotsminda too are at a high altitude: 2,000 meters. Javakheti and Meskheti, where criminals were kept in the XIX th Century, has always been a place for temporary settlements. In Meskheti, a great part of which lies in the Akhalsikhe depression, there are apple orchards, vineyards and forests. (V. Guretski, The Question of Javakheti, pp. 2-3; the web site of the Georgian Parliament: )
8. Georgian official line is one of referring to the Ahiska Turks as “Meskhetians.
9. The Kipchak Turks who arrived in the region in the XI st Century and the Turks from Konya, Yozgat and Tokat who were settled in the region during the reign (1573-1578) of the Ottoman Sultan MuradIII who seized the region in the XVI th Century, made up the Ahiska Turks. ( M.Necati Ozfatura, Ahiska Turkleri, 15, 07, 2000, Turkey, Istanbul).
10. The Ahiska and Karapapak Turks in Georgia are Sunni-Hanefi Muslims.
11. In the framework of the policy of turning the Ahiska Turks into a “Muslim force” 100 young members of the Khsna (Liberation) Society, all of them Ahiska Turks, were admitted into the Tbilisi Adaptation Center in 1990. At the center in question these youths were taught the Georgian language; their names and surnames were “Georgianized”, and, after they were thus turned into “Muslim Georgians”, they were settled in those areas of Georgia outside Ahiska. However, the Ahiska Turks‟ Vatan (Homeland) Society is opposing this policy. Members of that society want to return to their homeland without changing their identity.
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12. As of the year 2000 there are 135,000 Ahiska Turks in Azerbaijan plus 105,000 in Kazakhstan, 35,000 in Kyrgyzstan, 10,000 in Uzbekistan, 65,000 in Russia, 15,000 in Ukraine, 2,500 in Georgia and 20,525 in Turkey – of which 15,312 live in the Bursa province. Ahiska Turks have settled in Turkey as of 1993 and they have founded 12 nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in this country. (M. Necati Ozfatura, Ahiskali Turkler (Turks of Ahiska), Turkey, April 28, 2000, Istanbul).
13. Quoted by V. Guretski in The Question of Javakheti, pp. 2-3, from Ed. V. Tishkov, The Peoples of Russia, Encyclopedia, Moscow, 1994, Y. Broiso, I. Prokhorov, Turk-Meskhetians, pp. 342-344, and Vadim Tuttunik, Turks from Meskhetia: Yesterday and Today. This is How it Was, National Repressions in the USSR, 1919-1952. Repressed Nations Today. Edited by Svetlana Aliyeva. Volume III, Moscow, 1993, pp. 145-163, and Nodar Broladze, Nezavisimaya Gazeta, No: 135, July 25, 1996; Svetlana Chervonnaya, adapted to English by FUEN-Secretariat, The Problem of the Repatriation of the Meskhet-Turks, MINELRES: FUEN report on Meskhet Turks, 1998, pp. 1, 3, 4.(
14. Those attending the meeting in question were Georgia‟s Minister for Refugees Valeri Vasakidze, head of Georgia‟s Rehabilitation of the Refugees Agency Guram Mamuluya, Chairman of the Georgian Parliament‟s Human Rights Committee Yelena Tevdoradze and European Commission representative Elliot Jarmando (Anatolia News Agency, Sept. 13, 2000, Ankara).
15. “The Law for the Acceptance into Turkey and Resettlement of Ahiska Turks”, Law No: 3835, the legislation date: July 2, 1992, the date on which it appeared in the Official Gazette: July 11, 1992, Issue: 21281, Ankara.
16. For more detailed information on Ahiska Turks see: Kiyas Aslan, Ahiska Turkleri, Ahiska Turkleri Kultur ve Dayanisma Dernegi Yay., Ankara, 1995 (Ahiska Turks, a publication of the Ahiska Turks Culture and Solidarity Association), Zakir B. Avsar and Zafer S. Tuncalp, Surgunde 50. Yil: Ahiska Turkleri, TBMM Kultur, Sanat ve Yayin Kurulu Yayinlari (The 50th Year in Exile: Ahiska Turks, a publication of the Turkish Grand National Assembly Culture, Arts and Publication Board), Ankara, 1995, ISBN-975-7479-45-4.; Ali Pasa Veyseloglu, Ahiska Turklerinin Drami (The Drama of the Ahiska Turks), Ocak Yay., Ankara, 1999.
17. Vadim Tuttunik, “Turks from Meskhetia: Yesterday and Today. This is How It Was”, quoted by V. Guretski in “The Question of Javakheti”, p. 3.
18. There have been claims to the effect that Samuel Petrosyan and David Rostakyan were among the founders of the Javak Movement and that it was led by Ervan Sirinyan. Javak created its own police force and began collecting money from the people. Similar methods had reportedly been used
in Nagorno-Karabakh two decades ago. (Ugur Akinci, “Javakhetia: The Next Nagorno-Karabakh?”, p. 3.; Vicken Cheterian, Ethnic Conflict in Georgia, Le Monde Diplomatique, December 1998, Paris).
19. The Javakheti region sent to Nagorno-Karabakh not only large numbers of volunteers but also weapons during the war. Since Javakheti Armenians are now keeping in their houses the weapons which were used in the Nagorno-Karabakh war, Javakheti is Georgia‟s best armed region not counting Abkhazia. Filaret Berikyan who had taken part in the Nagorno-Karabakh war stated that the Javakheti Armenians‟ awareness of their “national identity” was at a higher level than other Armenians, and that they formed their own units in Nagorno- Karabakh. (V. Guretski, The Question of Javakheti, p. 4). In 1990 leader of Georgia‟s Freedom Party Rezo Shavishvili said, “If the Nagorno-Karabakh war had not happened, annexation of the Armenian region of Georgia into Armenia, was going to be demanded.” (Igor Rotar, “Tbilisi Has Only Partial Control Over Georgia‟s Armenian Regions”, Prism: A Bi-weekly on the Post-Soviet States, Jamestown Foundation, Washington D.C., No:10, Pt:3, May 15, 1998, p. 1. ).
20. The security belt problem arose once again during Gamsakhurdia‟s presidency. According to that new law enacted after Georgia became independent, the security belt was to extend up to 21 kilometers into the region from the border. That meant that the best part of the Ahalkelek county would be inside the security belt. According to Filaret Berikyan, “With the new security belt Gamsakhurdia aimed to settle the Georgians of Meskheti and Javakheti in the lands of the Russians living in Ninotsminda. He thus aimed to create a buffer zone inhabited by Georgians between Armenia and the Armenians of Javakheti. That was why the Merab Kostava Foundation had persuaded the Russians in the region to migrate and bought their houses.” V. Guretski, The Question of Javakheti, pp. 5-6; I. Rotar, “Tbilisi Has Only Partial Control Over Georgia‟s Armenian Regions”. p. 1.
21. In the Nov. 5, 1995 election the Javakheti province voted for E. Schevardnadze‟s Citizens‟ Union, for Aslan Abashidze‟s Resurrection Union and for communist candidate Jumber Patiashvili who was E. Schevardnadze‟s biggest rival in the presidential election. David Rostakyan argues that “In Javakheti, Patiashvili won that election in both the towns and the villages. But through election fraud Schevardnadze was declared to be the winner.” In the 1995 general election four ethnic Armenians were elected to the parliament on a Georgian Citizens‟ Union Party ticket, two from Tbilisi and one each from Ahalkelek and Ninotsminda. (V. Guretski, The Question of Javakheti, pp. 6, 9.) In the latest general election held on Oct. 31, 1999, Melik Rayisiyan, a man of Armenian origin who was elected to Parliament from Ahalkelek under a majority first-past-the-post system, has become the
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spokesman for the Georgian Armenians with the policy he has pursued over the past year. M. Rayisiyan, born on April 11, 1961, is an economist. He is a member of the Georgian Citizens‟ Unity Party and serves as a member of the parliament‟s Taxes and Revenues Committee.
22. The Samtshe-Javakheti province was created by bringing together the Ahalkelek and Ninotsminda counties of the former Samtshe province and the Akhalsikhe, Adigeni, Aspindza and Borzhomi counties of the former Javakheti province. There are five cities, seven towns and 250 villages in the new province which has an area of 6,412.9 square kilometers. Georgians account for a mere 9.3 percent of the people living in the province. (
23. According to the Georgian Constitution which was adopted on March 24, 1994, the way part of the central government‟s powers would be “distributed” was to be determined later by reorganizing the country‟s administrative structure. And that would come after the reorganization of the judicial system. But the proposed system could not be put into practice. (Gurcistan Anayasasi [Georgian Constitution], Article 2/Paragraph 3, TICA, Ankara, 1999, p. 68). The Javak movement believes that the two provinces have been merged because of a desire to ease the concentration of the Armenian population in Javakheti. Furthermore, a meeting of the Ahalkelek town council chaired by T. Karahanyan, decided that the Decree No. 237 was targeted directly against the Armenians. Also, according to R. Rostakyan: “Creation of the Samtshe-Javakheti province was unconstitutional because the Decree No. 237 was aimed at creating a State Representatives Board. It was not aimed at creating a new province. Furthermore, a referendum would be needed to alter Georgia‟s administrative structure.” V. Guretski, The Question of Javakheti, pp 7.9.
24. “Parvent” is the name given to the “Paravani” lake in Javakheti by the Armenians.
25. Prior to the 1996 congress leaders of the Javak movement –which had 10,000 active members, 5,000 of them officially registered – had announced that their aim was not to gain independence for Javakheti. D. Rostakyan said that their aim was not to create another Nagorno-Karabakh, that they wanted to secure the rights of Georgia‟s Armenians, that they needed schools providing education in the Armenian language, and that the GeorgianConstitution‟s envisaging the granting of cultural autonomy to Javakheti in the framework of a future federative structure, was the best guarantee. A significant part of the members of the Javak‟s radical wing are under the influence of Armenia‟s Dashnaksutyun Party which wants Javakheti to join Armenia. The pro-Georgian wing of the Javak movement is led by the Javakheti deputy and his brother as well as the prosecutor of the province and some other local
dignitaries. V. Guretski, The Question of Javakheti, pp. 8-9, 14.; Charles van der Leeuw, Georgia‟s Troubled Corners-Javakheti: Karabakh Revisited, The Azeri Times, March 1999, p. 1. Asbarez Daily News Papers Archives.
26. I. Rotar, “Tbilisi Has Only Partial Control Over Georgia‟s Armenian Regions”, p. 2.
27. MEDIAMAX, April 5, 2000, Yerevan; Ozgur Politika, April 6, 2000, Istanbul.
28. The first reaction to Baramidze‟s words came from M. Rayisiyan, a member of the Georgian Parliament who is of Armenian origin. Rayisiyan met with Schevardnadze and denounced Baradnidze‟s stance. Armenpress, June 20, 2000, Yerevan.
29. Irakli Aladashvili, Russian Military Bases in South Caucasus, The Army And Society in Georgia, October 1999, Volume 7, No 10 (40), Tbilisi, p. 5.
30. M. Rayisiyan opposes closure of the base for economic reasons, stressing that part of the people of Ahalkelek work for the base and sell goods to the base. The Georgian Times, June 28, 2000, Tbilisi.
31. In 1998 armed Armenian groups stopped at the Javakheti border the incoming Georgian units which were holding a joint military exercise with the Russian troops, and made them turn back by threatening to open fire. Though that incident made a bombshell effect in Tbilisi, nothing was done to apprehend the persons responsible for that incident. C. Leeuw, Georgia‟s Troubled Corners - Javakheti: Karabakh Revisited, p. 1.
32. Though Javak leaders deny that they have a close relationship with the Ahalkelek Base where Javakheti Armenians are employed, M. Areshidze has claimed that the arms the Parvents have in their possession had been obtained from the Ahalkelek Russian Base with the aim of using these in the Karabakh war. Meanwhile, Georgian Deputy Defense Minister Gen. Guram Nikolaishvili, who has announced that they have reached an agreement on the Russian base – with the following stipulations: 1) Russia must guarantee Georgia‟s territorial integrity, 2) Russia must help Georgia found its own national army, 3) And the armed groups on Georgian soil not affiliated with either the Georgian army of the Russian army, must be disbanded – is also admitting the presence of paramilitary organizations in Georgia. And, on the security of the Javakheti Armenians, Rostakyan, one of the founders of Javak, said, “The Javakheti Armenians oppose the Georgian government‟s demand that the Russian military presence be removed from the country, saying that they must have security (against Turkey.] Georgia, a small country, cannot be a guarantee against Turkey which massacred 1.5 million Armenians in 1915.” (V. Guretski, The Question of Javakheti, pp. 6, 8-9, 12-13). Also, there have been claims to the effect that, led by Dorik Deboyan, one of the Javak leaders, people have been “conscripted” from among the
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Armenian population in Ahalkelek and Akhalsikhe, that there has been an intention to create battalions consisting of Armenians equipped with the weapons of the Ahalkelek Russian Base, and that the Javakheti Armenians have been refusing to serve in the Georgian army. Javak‟s pro-Dashnak radical wing has been putting pressure on the local people not to have the Ahalkelek Russian Base removed. In fact, Sergey Dorbinyan, one of the local administrators, have been beaten up due to the claims that he had demanded the dismantling of the base. (U. Akinci, “Javakhetia: The Next Nagorno-Karabakh?”, p. 2; I. Rotar, “Tbilisi Has Only Partial Control Over Georgia‟s Armenian Regions”, p. 2.)
33. Hasan Kanbolat, Rusya Federasyonu‟nun Guney Kafkasya‟daki Askeri Varligi ve Gurcistan Boyutu (The Russian Federation‟s Military Presence in Southern Caucasus and the Georgian Dimension), Stratejik Analiz, Volume I (3), July 2000, ASAM, Ankara, pp. 42-47.
35. There have been claims to the effect that after the independence Javakheti came to be neglected even more, that the Tbilisi government did not extend loans, that western investors preferred to make investments in Tbilisi and Rustavi, and that the province does not have a lobby protecting its rights in Tbilisi since its deputies are pro-government. Javak leaders think that if Georgia is given a federative structure in a way that Javakheti‟s status would be determined as well, the living standard in the province will improve and the region will be able to attrack foreign investments. The following quote is relayed by D. Karahanyan: “Industrial plants could be set up in Javakheti jointly by Georgia-Armenia and Georgia-Russia and operated by using the equipment to be provided by the Ahalkelek Russian Base. But the Georgian authorities do not view in a warm light such joint investments. Those who go abroad to work generally find only provisional jobs. However, the fact that the monthly unemployment pay is 8 Lari (roughly $4) in Georgia while one kilogram of pork costs 4.5 Lari (roughly $2.25) in Ahalkelek, gives a good idea about the necessity to migrate.” V. Guretski, The Question of Javakheti, pp. 10-11.; C. Leeuw, Georgia‟s Troubled Corners - Javakheti: Karabakh Revisited, p. 2.
36. An estimated 2,500 Turkish nationals are believed to be in Northwestern Caucasus, some 2,000 in Sochi and the rest in the Adigey Federated Republic, for trade, for work or with the aim of settling in those places.
37. Armenian sources refer to Hemshin as “Amshen” and describe Turkey‟s Eastern Black Sea and East Anatolia regions as “Western Armenia”.
38. The Abkhazian refugees in question still do not have residence permits for staying in Krasnodar. And since they had left Abkhazia prior to the “Georgian Citizenship” law dated March 23, 1993, they are not being considered Georgian nationals by the Georgian authorities.
39. Relayed from the Yerkramas newspaper (Krasnodar) by MEDIAMAX, June 23, 2000, Yerevan. (http: // minelres/ archive/ 02181999-22:36::51-9764.html).
40. Yerkramas” means “part of homeland” in Armenian language. And the name of that newspaper is the clear proof of the fact that the Amshen Armenians see Krasnodar as a “historical” part of Armenia. The Yerkramas newspaper, which appears in Armenian and in Russian, was founded in 1996. A3 size, it appears twice a month and has 12 pages. The web site of the newspaper: The web page of the Armenians of the Russian Federation:
41. Relayed from the Yerkramas newspaper (Krasnodar) by MEDIAMAX, June 21, 2000, Yerevan.
42. Armenians‟ “historical rights” claims on Krasnodar-Kuban are groundless. Krasnodar‟s Southwestern (Sochi) region is the historical land of the Wubih people and the remaining parts the historical lands of the Adige people. In the XIX th Century the Tzarist Russia which had emerged victorious from the Caucasian-Russian war, commited genocide and ethnic cleansing in the region in 1864 and resettled in the thus vacated lands the Slavic Kazakhs (Cossacks) brought in from Ukraine. (For the Armenian viewpoint see: Nazmi Gul, Yirmibirinci Yuzyilin Baslangicina “Haydat” (Ermenilerin Davasi) [“Haydat” (The Armenian cause) at the Start of the Twenty-First Century], Stratejik Analiz, Volume: 1(2), June 2000, ASAM, Ankara, pp. 25-28.)
43. Relayed from Yerkramas newspaper by MEDIAMAX, July 21,2000, Yerevan.
44. There are approximately 300,000 Kurds in the Russian Federation and some 153,000 in Central Asia and Southern Caucasus. In the 1990s, the Kurds living in the former Soviet republics have been observed to be shifting towards Krasnodar and engaging in a quest for autonomy in that region. Indeed, in July 1990 the Kurds‟ Yakbun (meaning Unity in Kurdish) organization asked Gorbachev to allot a piece of land for Kurdish migrants in Southern Russia (Northern Caucasus) and issued a call for creation of an “Autonomous Kurdish Region.” Following Yakbun‟s call, 18,000 Kurds from Armenia and 2,000 Kurds from Uzbekistan migrated to Krasnodar. Also, Kurds in Kygyzstan and Kazakhstan too began to move into Krasnodar. At a meeting held in Moscow on April 28-30, 2000 by the PKK-controlled Russian Kurds‟ Cultural Federation on the “Granting of the cultural rights of the Kurds in the Russian Federation” theme, the government of the Russian Federation was asked to give the Kurds in Moscow, Saratov and Krasnodar cultural rights. The Russian Kurds‟ Cultural Federation was created by bringing together the Moscow, Saratov and Krasnodar Kurdish Cultural Autonomy Associations. (Andrew Wilson, Nina Bachkatov, Russia Revised,
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Andre Deutch Limited, 1992, London, ISBN, O 233 987673, p. 123; Kurdish Observer web site: 30.04/ 03.05/ 16.06/ 17.08.2000).
45. Krasnodar is on the path of both the Baku-Novorossysk Crude Oil Pipe Line and the Blue Stream Natural Gas Pipe Line. The Blue Stream Pipe Line descends into the Black Sea at Beregovaya near Djubga which is situated between Tuapse and Gelincik, and, after covering an 376-kilometer stretch underwater across the Black Sea, arrives at the Turkish coast near Samsun.
46. From Feudalism to Capitalism , Izvestiya, July 22, 2000, Moscow.
47. While Kondratenko adopted a policy of anti-semitism the Jewish population in Krasnodar has declined to 1,500 because of the Jewish immigration to Israel in the 1990s. Celestine Bohlen, Where Russians Are Hurting, Racism Takes Root, The New York Times, Nov. 16, 1998.
48. In the villages of Anapa there have been skirmishes continually between the Cossack and Armenian youths. Relayed from Yerkramas (Krasnodar) newspaper by MEDIAMAX, June 6, 2000, Yerevan.
49. In 1997 Krasnodar had a population of 5.7 million. According to Karchenko‟s statement the Armenian population in the region should be around 2 million (38 percent). However, the Russian Institute of Statistics gives the Russian population in Krasnodar as 4,360,200, the Armenian population as 241,000 (5 percent) while the Armenian diaspora says there are 800,000 Armenians (16 percent) in Krasnodar. (MPA News Agency, July 6, 2000, Baku.
50. Karchenko‟s statement appeared in the June 6,2000 issue of the Kuban News (Krasnador) newspaper . MEDIAMAX, June 23,2000 Yerevan.
51. Relayed from Yerkramas newspaper by MEDIAMAX, July 26, 2000, Yerevan.
52. Noyan Tapan, July 20, 2000, Yerevan.
53. Krimsk and Abinsk are two towns situated to the north of Novorssysk in the Krasnodar state.
54. (Relayed from Yerkramas newspaper by MEDIAMAX, July 26, 2000, Yerevan), The Ahiska Turks are one of the targets in Krasnodar for the growing Russian chauvinism. Yusuf Sarvarov, chairman of the Ahiska Turks‟ Vatan Association in Moscow, told a press conference in Moscow on March 6, 1998, thatthe Cossacks‟ racist approach constituted a dangerous factor in Krasnodar. Until 1989 there were 2,135 Ahiska Turks in Krasnodar. Following the Uzbekistan-Fergana incidents this number rose to 17,000 at settlements without residence permit (propiskas). This increase over the past decade has upset the Russian nationalists. And the Ahiska Turks have been faced with the “soft ethnic cleansing” efforts of the paramilitary Cossack groups who accuse them of desiring to set up an Islamic state in Krasnodar.
55. On Sept. 1996 Armenian Minister of Communications and Transport Genrik Kochinyan briefed the Armenian Parliament on the highway agreement the EU and France had concluded with Georgia and Armenia. Relayed from the Sept. 14, 1996 issue of the Lragir newspaper by V. Guretski, The Question of Javakheti, p. 12; for GUUAM and the other quests for cooperation in the Caucasus, see: Hasan Kanbolat and Gokcen Ekici, 21. yy‟da Kafkasya‟da Isbirligi Arayislari ve Ekonomik Boyutlari (Quests for Cooperation in the Caucasus in the 21th Century and its Economic Dimensions), Jeo-Ekonomi, Volume II (2-3), Summer-Autumn 2000, ISSN: 1302-261X, ASAM, Ankara.
56. The potential itinerary of the Kars-Tbilisi Railway: In Turkey: Cildir; in Georgia: Ahalkelek (Armenian) - Tsalka (Armenian) - Merneuli (Azeri) - Tbilisi (Georgian), (* The words in parenthesis indicate the ethnic character of these settlements.) In Georgia the existing railway system provides railway access all the way to Ahalkelek and, in Turkey, the Turkish railway system reaches Kars. So it would be better to call the project the “Kars-Ahalkelek Railway Project”.
57. Initially it was planned to have the Baku-Ceyhan Pipe Line to cross through Akhalsikhe which is situated to the northwest of Ahalkelek. Later the Javakheti valley, which is highly suitable for the construction of pipe lines and railways, was preferred since the unsuitable geological characteristics of the Akhalsikhe region would push up the project‟s cost. The Kars-Tbilisi (Turkey-Georgia) Railway Project, which is being planned on an East-West transit axis, will extend for a total 124 kilometers. Of the railway line, a 92-kilometer stretch building a new railway across Javakheti. Javak leader Sirinyan, who opposes the Kars-Tbilisi Railway Project, has claimed that this project is aimed at reducing the Armenian population in the region. (U. Akinci, “Javakhetia: The Next Nagorno-Karabakh?”, pp. 2,3; Tekin Cinar, Ulastirma Bakanligi E. Mustesar Yrd.‟nin raporu (report prepared by deputy undersecretary of the Ministry of Communications and Transport),
( )
58. Georgia and the Turkish businessmen in Georgia support the opening of the Aktas border gate. Cecenistan Ile Ilgili Rapor, Gurcistan‟daki Turk Isadamlari Ile Gorusme Tutanagi, TBMM Insan Haklari Komisyonu Yay. (Report on Chechnya, The Minutes of the Meeting with Turkish Businessmen in Georgia, a publication of the Turkish Grand National Assembly Human Rights Committee), February 2000, Ankara, p. 157.
59. Alexander Ossipov, The Memorial Human Rights Centre, Moscow,

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