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Internet usage and parents' views about internet addiction

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Abstract (2. Language): 
The purpose of this study; families to identify the measures they have taken to avoid students' internet addiction. Families which have children between the ages of 10-18 and an internet connection at home were included in the research. Residing in the central town of Konya with 15 families were interviewed. Each interview lasted approximately 20 minutes. Descriptive analysis was made in the analyzing of data come by at the end of research. In conclusion, the biggest reason for families to connect to the internet is supporting their children to study and preventing their children go to internet cafes. Families said that their children are using the internet to play the game. About half of families agreed verbally with their children about using internet, but any family does not agree in writing. Twelve families do not use any filter program when they connected to internet. Families understand that their children are addicted to the internet, spending more time on the internet, having communication problems with their families, being disruption of daily life patterns, attending classes and failing lessons. If families' child is addicted to internet many of them warn verbally and say ban the internet, only four of families said get help from experts. Results of research findings compared with literature and discussed.



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