
Impact of Subject Matter Knowledge of a Teacher in Teaching and Learning Process

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Teaching involves the imparting of knowledge, skills and attitudes to an individual. The inclusion of subject matter knowledge of teacher in teaching and learning process has many dimensions. In this paper, whether the subject matter knowledge of teachers has impact on teaching and learning or not was examined, and found in literature and surveys that the subject matter knowledge of a teacher impacts on teaching and learning process in schools. Although it appears self evident that teachers must know what they are teaching, agreement does not exist in the idea of knowing subject matter for teaching. In this paper, the writer wants to offer a framework for renewing interest in the subject and also to encourage further research that can significantly reveal the degree of the impact of subject matter knowledge on teaching and learning. The methodology was a survey based on literature reviews of research reports on this topic. The paper concluded that understanding of subject matter by a teacher implies that teachers are able to teach the main points of the subject matter to students, and to clarify misconceptions of knowledge depends to some extent on the teachers understanding of the subject matter through which impact is made on learning when students are able to use the subject matter taught in class to actively participate in their environment.



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