
Energy Saving and Influence of the Harmonic Correction Filter on the Power Electric System in IRALCO Company

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Abstract (2. Language): 
In an ideal AC electric power system, voltage and frequency are stable in every part of the power supply and clear of harmonics also power factor will be equal to one. These parameters are independent of the size and characteristics of consumption loads .Therefore, all of the loads are designed to be the best performance at a specific voltage. According to the characteristics of power systems and loads attached to them, their quality power supply can be removed from the ideal case. Given that the extraction of aluminum from alumina by electrolysis method is used based “Hall-Héroult process”. Therefore, this method requires DC voltage with very high currents, With respect to the production, transmission and distribution of electrical energy is based on AC systems and used power rectifier devices to convert AC voltage to DC voltage. these devices due to the nonlinear characteristic of the voltage - current are produced harmonics and confusion, so for reactive power compensation should be used harmonic filtering .This article described the energy saving , reduce power consumption ,improve power factor and other Influence of the harmonic filtering on the power electric system in” Iralco Company”



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