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Abstract (2. Language): 
The aim of the current study was to determine the relationship between teachers’ views regarding loss of face and organizational cynicism. The survey method utilized for the study. The sample consisted of 329 early childhood education, primary and elementa teachers. The findings of the study demonstrated that loss of face level of the teachers was in the upper-moderate, organizational cynicism level of them was close to moderate. No significant loss of face difference was found with respect to gend service. Moreover, organizational cynicism showed no significant difference with respect to gender and major whereas; there was a difference with respect to length of service. There was a significant relationship between loss of fa “removal from the organization”, “factors that lessen performance”, and “negative attitudes towards school”.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Arastırmada, ögretmenlerinin görüsleri arasındaki iliskinin desenlenmistir. Arastırmanın örneklemi olusmaktadır. Arastırma bulguları, ö düzeyin üstünde, örgütsel sinizm düzeylerinin ise orta düzeye yakın oldu Ögretmenlerin saygınlıgını yitirme kaygısı göstermemektedir. Ögretmenlerin örgütsel sinizm düzeylerinde ise cinsiyete ve bran anlamlı bir farklılık bulunmazken, kıdeme göre anlamlı bir farklılık yitirme kaygısı ile örgütsel sinizmin alt boyutlarından “performansı düsüren etkenler ve düsük düzeyde anlamlı bir ili Anahtar Kelimeler: Saygınlıg THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN LOSS OF FACE Abstract The aim of the current study was to determine the relationship between teachers’ views regarding loss of face and organizational cynicism. The survey method utilized for the study. The sample consisted of 329 early childhood education, primary and elementa teachers. The findings of the study demonstrated that loss of face level of the teachers was in the upper-moderate, organizational cynicism level of them was close to moderate. No significant loss of face difference was found with respect to gend service. Moreover, organizational cynicism showed no significant difference with respect to gender and major whereas; there was a difference with respect to length of service. There was a significant relationship between loss of fa “removal from the organization”, “factors that lessen performance”, and “negative attitudes towards school”. Keywords: Loss of Face, Reputation, Cynicism, Organizational Cynicism 1 Dr., Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Egitim Fakültesi E 2 Doç. Dr., Dumlupınar Üniversitesi E 3 Doç. Dr., Dumlupınar Üniversitesi E 4 YL Ögrencisi, Dumlupınar Üniversitesi E KADEMK BAKIS DERGS Mayıs – Haziran 2013 sı Hakemli Sosyal Bilimler E-Dergisi ktisat ve Girisimcilik Üniversitesi, Türk Dünyası l Bilimler Enstitüsü, Celalabat – KIRGIZSTAN p:// LE ÖRGÜTSEL SNZM ARASINDAK LSKLER 2 Kürsad YILMAZ 3 retmenlerinin saygınlıgını yitirme kaygısı ile örgütsel sinizme ili kinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıstır. Arastırma tarama modelinde tırmanın örneklemi, 329 okulöncesi, ilkokul ve ortaokul tırma ögretmenlerin saygınlıklarını yitirme kaygılarının orta oldug ını cinsiyet, brans ve kıdeme göre farklıl retmenlerin vardır “çalıstıgı kurumdan uzakla üren etkenler” ve “okula karsı olumsuz tutum” alt boyutları arasında pozitif ük iliski vardır.