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Abstract (2. Language): 
Papillon-Lxfevre Syndrome (PLS) is considered to be transmiilcd ys an autosomal recessive trait. The syndrome is estimated to have a frequency of 1 to 4 million. Consanguinity between parents was reported in one-third of eases studied. PLS is mainly characterized by hyperkeratosis of the palms mid soles and by extensive periodontal destruction , which causes early 'loss of the primary and permanent teedh. Two patients were included in the study , who were 4 and 5 years old , were siblings, and complained early loss of teeth. They were diagnosed as PLS. There was no pain in palms and soles in the patients because of skin disease. Both patienis were examined pathologically , hcmalologically and microhiologicalJy. The results were evauialcd.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Papülon-ljcftvrc Sendromu (PLS) otozoma] rescsıf çeçi-sli ve milyonda 1-4 oranında görülen bir sendromdtir Rapor edilen vakaların İ1V tinde ebeveynlerin kan akrabalığı tespit edilmiştir. Sendromnn iki karakteristik özellini ; ayrıç idleri , ayak tabanlarında hiperkçratozis vc yaygın periodontal ataşmart kaybı ile karakterize süt vc daimi dişlerin erken kaybıdır. Dişlerinin erken kaybedilmesi şikayet] eriyle müracaat eden 4 vc 5 yaşlarındaki iki kardeş incelendi. Hastalık PLS ofarafc teşhis edildi, Hastalarda A ve ayaklarımdaki deri bulgularından dolayı belirgin aşn şikayeti yoktu. Hastalarda patolojik , hematolojik ve mikrobiyolojik tetkikler yapıldı, sonuçlar değerlendi rildi.



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