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Due to its technical and musical features, the piano is the head of the suitable instruments for young children who take their first step towards a systematic music education. When taking into account young children who have many interesting, rich stimulants i n their environment nowadays, instead of traditional teaching methods, it is considered necessary that piano education is changed into a more enjoyable education which provides concentration and permanent learning. With this approach, it is believed that piano education which develops and uses new teaching tools, is visualized and made more interesting with games. Also, it is believed that it presents samples associated with life, concretizes abstract information and satisfies every kind of learning need of the student to provide a helpful educational process. With this belief, in this study, the introduction of activities providing a permanent learning and making piano playing enjoyable for the young piano learner is aimed at. Towards the specified aim in this study, the expected features of a piano teacher in these days' conditions have been specified, note teaching at the beginning stage of piano education, visualization that can be used in the technical development and musicality development stages, and dramatization and activities directed towards associating with life are arranged. The contribution to learning provided by the mentioned activities used in young piano learners' piano education is examined with the observations of the researcher. The study with its presented activities is seen important in guiding teachers who are commencing piano teaching and with this, it is also considered important in bringing upon a new approach towards the development of different activities.



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