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Singüler Potansiyelli Dirac Diferensiyel Denklemlerin Çözümleri İçin integral Gösterilimleri

Integral Representations for Solutions of Dirac Differential Equations With Singular Potential

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Abstract (2. Language): 
In this study. representations with transformation operator have been obtained for Dirac operators with singular coefficients which have been written self-adjoint extensions and have been considered in [4].
Abstract (Original Language): 
Bu çalışmada. [4]'de incelenen ve self-adjoint genişlemeleri yazılan singüler katsayılı Dirac operatörleri için çevirme operatörü tipinde gösterilimler elde edilmiştir.



[1]. B. M. Levitan ve I. S. Sargsyan. Introduction to Spectral Theory. Moskova 1970. [2]. B. M. Levitan ve I. S. Sargsyan. Sturm-Liouville and Dirac operators. Moskova
[3]. S. Albeverio. F. Gesztesy. R. Hoegh-Krohn ve H. Holden Solvable Models in Quantum Mechanics. New York: Springer. 1988.
[4]. R. Kh. Amirov. I. M. Guseinov. Some Classes of Dirac Operators with Singular
Potentials. Differential Equations. vol. 40. no. 7. 2004. pp. 1066-1068.
[5]. A. M. Savchuk. A. A. Shkalikov. Mat. Zametki. 1999. vol. 66. no. 6. pp. 897-912.

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