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A hybrid iterated local search-firefly algorithm for solving discrete p-center problem

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Abstract (2. Language): 
P-center problem is one of the most well-known location problems which is classified as NP-Hard. The purpose of this problem is to locate P new facilities among customers such that the maximum distance between customers and their nearest facility is minimized. Firefly method is a new meta-heuristic method that is used for optimization of NP-Hard and combinatorial problems which were mainly developed for optimization of continuous problems inspired by social behavior of fireflies in producing light for the mating. In this study, a hybrid iterated local search-firefly algorithm (HIF) approach was proposed to solve discrete p-center problem which was achieved by combining iterated local search (ILS) and firefly methods. The proposed algorithm was used for solving the OR-LIB problems and the results of method implementing were compared to obtained results from greedy harmony search (GHS) method. It was found the better performance of the proposed HIF algorithm than the GHS method. According to the results, the proposed HIF method on average has more than 60 percent lower error than GHS method and the time to yield the solution decreased about 32 percent.



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