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Relationship between spirituality intelligence and the faculty’s thinking styles with their mental health rate in the human science college of the Islamic Azad University of Rudhen unit

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Abstract (2. Language): 
The Purpose of this study was to find out the relationship between faculty’s Spiritual intelligence and thinking styles with their mental health in the human science college of the Islamic Azad university of Roudhen unit. A sample of 130 persons selected by the stratified random sampling answered the questionnaire of the general health (Goldberg, 1972), the standard questionnaire of thinking style (Esternberg, 1991) and spirituality intelligence (Abdollahzadeh, 2008). The research was a correlation one. Data were analyzed by SPPS software in two levels of description and inference. The findings showed that there was a Positive significant correlation between the spiritual intelligence (SI) and thinking styles among faculty of the Islamic Azad University of Rudhen; that is, thinking styles increase as their SI increases. There was a positive significant correlation between the general health and faculty’s SI in the Islamic Azad University of Rudhen. The findings of Pearson correlation test showed that as the faculties’ Si increases, the rate of general health will increase. There is a significant correlation between thinking style and general health of the faculties in the Islamic Azad University of Rudhen. It means as the score of the people’s thinking style increases, the rate of general health increases too. There is a positive significant correlation between Si and thinking style of the faculties and the rate of their general health in the Islamic Azad University of Rudhen.



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