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Eğitim Fakültesi Öğretim Elemanlarının Kariyer Engelleri İle İş Doyumları Arasındaki İlişki

Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Career Barriers for the Academic Staff of the Education Faculties

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Abstract (2. Language): 
In this study, the "career" process has been discussed in the context of the career process of the academic staff responsible for producing the training and research services at faculties of education. The career process of academic staff means acquiring titles, promotions, and assignments from the initial stages of being a member of the academic staff to the highest levels of academic degrees. One of the issues that can be addressed in connection with the process of career is "job satisfaction." Job satisfaction has great importance in terms of obtaining more satisfaction for the employee as an individual, i.e., as a human being, from the point of producer and also in organizational terms. It is accepted that an increase in satisfaction level causes an increase in employee commitment to the organization; therefore, productivity increases in organizational terms. In this study, job satisfaction is associated with the academic career barriers from the perspective of the academic staff. This association aims to point out the career process and job satisfaction levels of the academic staff. The career processes of the academic staff (in particular, promotion and the assignment process) are questioned; their career conditions are organized; and an attempt is made to provide an increase in academic productivity. This becomes an important source of pressure on the academic staff. This study is associated with the relationship between job satisfaction among academic staff and the promotion and assignment process from this point of view. In the most general sense, a career is a series of positions providing individuals the opportunity to advance in a profession they have chosen, to gain greater earnings, to take on more responsibility, and to acquire respect, power, and reputation (Şimşek, 1999; Bakioğlu & İnandı, 2001). Anafarta (2001) points out that the accumulation of education, skills, and experiences obtained or to be obtained by individuals in the long term makes up their careers. Educational organizations and especially universities are important places in terms of career. The higher educational institutions constitute a higher stage of educational levels (universities). When one talks about higher education, career facts come to mind, and when one talks about career fact, universities come to mind. However, the wages of the academic staff are reduced by time, and their potential to undertake research is limited (Ergin, 1995). In addition, the following problems are experienced: lack of support given to the academic studies of the academic staff, absence of meeting the economic costs of studies by universities, unsuitable physical conditions for doing research, encountering bureaucratic obstacles for the necessary permits for the studies, inability to participate in meetings such as seminars and symposiums that leads to obtaining sources almost solely from the Internet, the difficulty of having work published, language barriers, and problems caused by the structure of the academic promotion system (Bülbül & Tunç, 2011). Another problem area is favoritism at the beginning of the academic staff position and at subsequent stages of one’s career. In conclusion, academicians experience problems caused by both academic structure and individual and organizational factors. All these difficulties encountered by the academic staff prevent them from realizing satisfaction from their jobs and bring about a reduction in their level of job satisfaction. Job satisfaction can be considered as positive emotional conditions experienced by employees when their expectations are met. Job satisfaction is associated with levels that meet the expectations of jobs by employees. Peria and Baker (1997) emphasize that career opportunities are more effective than wages in terms of job satisfaction. Similarly, Hill (1994) points out that building a career increases the social status of individuals and states that if individuals are successful, this increases their job satisfaction. In this context, the main aim of this study is to determine career barriers of academic staff who work at the faculty of education, the relationship of their satisfaction levels to their jobs, and to what extent career barriers predict job satisfaction.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Bu araştırmanın temel amacı eğitim fakültelerinde görev yapan öğretim elemanlarının kariyer engelleri ile iş doyumları arasındaki ilişkiyi ve kariyer engellerinin, iş doyumlarını ne düzeyde yordadığını belirlemektir. Tarama modelindeki araştırmada, veriler, oransız örnekleme tekniği ile ulaşılan 559 öğretim elemanından elde edilmiştir. Araştırmada, öğretim elemanlarının kariyer engellerini belirlemek üzere beş boyut ve 19 maddeli “Kariyer Engelleri Ölçeği”, iş doyum düzeylerini belirlemek üzere ise “İş Doyum Ölçeği” kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre, öğretim elemanlarının kariyer engelleri ile iş doyumları arasında anlamlı bir ilişki bulunmaktadır. Kariyer engellerinin boyutlarının, iş doyumunu yordama düzeyleri farklılaşmaktadır. Öğretim elemanlarının kariyer engelleri, iş doyumunun “yönetim, ilk amirle ilişkiler, işin yapısı, sosyal haklar, işin yapılış şekli, çalışma koşulları ve iletişim boyutunu anlamlı düzeyde yordarken, “çalışma arkadaşları ve maaş” boyutlarını ise anlamlı düzeyde yordamamaktadır. Kariyer engellerinin en fazla yordadığı iş doyumu boyutu sosyal haklardır. Bunu işin yapılma şekli, iletişim ve yönetim boyutları izlemektedir



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