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Bazı α-Amino Asitlerin Etil- ve Metil- Esterlerinin Protonasyon Sabitlerinin Su Ortamında Potansiyometrik Yöntemle Tayini

Determination of Protonation Constants of Some Ethyl- and Methyl- Esters of α-Amino Acids in Water by Potentiometric Method

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Abstract (2. Language): 
In this study, the protonation constants of ethyl- and methyl- esters of glycine, L-alanine, L-valine, L-leucine, L-phenylalanine, L-serine, L-methionine were determined by potentiometric titration method in water. The titrations were performed at 25°C, in nitrogen atmosphere and during the titrations ionic strength ofthe medium was maintained at 0.1M by using sodium chloride. The data of potentiometric titration were evaluated by PKAS computer programme and effects of alkyl group on the basicity of α-amino acid esters are discussed.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Bu çalışmada, glisin, L-alanin, L-valin, L-lösin, L-fenilalanin, L-serin ve L-metioninin etil ve metil esterlerinin protonasyon sabitleri su ortamında potansiyometrik titrasyon yöntemi ile tayin edilmiştir. Titrasyonlar 25°C’ ta, azot atmosferinde ve 0,1 M NaCl’lü ortamda yapılmıştır. Potansiyometrik titrasyon verilerinden yararlanarak PKAS bilgisayar programıile stokiyometrik protonasyon sabitleri hesaplanmışve amino asit esterlerinin bazikliği yönünden tartışılmıştır.



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