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Vipassana And Its Psychological Benefits

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Vipassana meditation is an integral component of the Buddhist philosophy. Vipassana is an insight into the nature of things; vipssana is seeing things as they are. The path that leads to this insight & realization is awareness & mindfulness. The way to develop mindfulness is based on a famous discourse given by Buddha. In this discourse, the Buddha explained how to develop and cultivate the mind. The name of this discourse is the “SatipatthanaSutta”. In this sutta, the Buddha offers our objects of meditation for consideration: body, feelings, thoughts, and mental states. On the basis of SatipatthanSutta, practice of vipassana meditation is to use these four objects for the development of concentration, mindfulness, and insight & understanding of our self and the world around us. SatipatthanSutta offers the most simple, direct, and effective method for training the mind to meet daily task, problems, to achieve the highest aim and liberation. SatipatthanSutta is safe for all characters, and a harmless way to train the mind. We can use this method anywhere at any time, in a busy office or in the peaceful place.



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