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Abstract (2. Language): 
In this study, 92 elite level athletes, 54 of whom were injured and 38 non-injured, were given "Life-Events Scale", and compared in terms of team-individual and male-female. By examining the number and severity of the events of the athletes effecting the injuries, some advices were offered. It's concluded that, the number and intensity of the life events, lived between 0-3 th months including a/l male and female athletes both as individual and as a team, caused injuries. When the number and the severity of the life events increase, all the athletes are face to face with the risk of injuries.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Bu r;:ali$mada; 54'u sakatlanan ve 38'i sakatlanmayan, 92 elit diizeyde spor yapan sporcuya "Yesem Olaylan Olr;:egi" verilerek sakatlanan sporcular ile sakatlanmayan sporcular; tektm -bireysel ve bayan-erkek olarak aynlarak kar$ila$tmttmst«. Sporculann ya$adlklan olaylann seytst ve $iddetinin sakatlanmaya etkisi olup olmadlgl ara$lirJlarak 6nerilerde bulunulmustur. Sonur;: olarak 0-3 ay arastnda ya$anan ya$am olaylan seytsttun ve $iddetinin tum bayan ve erkek tekim ve bireysel spor yapan sporcularda sakatlanmaya etken oldugu butunmustur. Ya$am olaylan say's, ve siddeti ertitkc« (2 yll siuesince), tum sporcular sakatlanma riskiyle kar$lla$maktadlr.



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