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Introduction: Variations in the number and arrangement of renal vessels are very common. There may be additional renal arteries and renal veins which are important in different investigative and surgical procedures, particularly during renal transplantation. There are also different variations of the gonadal (testicular in males or ovarian in females) arteries. Study Design: During routine dissection in the department of Anatomy, Bankura Sammilani Medical College, West Bengal, variations were detected in the renal and testicular arteries of a 70 year old male cadaver. Dissection was done minutely, relevant structures were painted and photographs were taken. Observations: In this case both the testicular arteries arose from the respective renal arteries along with the presence of one accessory renal artery on the left side. Embryologically, these arteries are the lateral splanchnic branches of abdominal aorta. Conclusion: These findings have importance for any investigation or surgery involving genitourinary organs and the abdominal arteries concerned; at the same time these are important anatomical variations.



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